Reunion Plans Click on an underlined name to see the e-mail address. Send in classmates Facebook pages Steve Allen (Facebook) Kenneth Anderson (deceased)… James Barnett… John Barnhart… Maurice Bayhylle… Cathy Bentley… Scott Blackburn... Sherrie Bledsoe… Bea Bowen… Cynthia Boyles… Jeff Bradley… Steve Brady… Sam Bray… Ted Burns Betsy Burt Smith Keeley Butcher Neal(email) on on Facebook Terri Butler Lake (Facebook) Richard Cackler… Dean Camren… Alan Cannon… Pam Cantrell Harrison... Kim Carpenter… Randy Carrier… Sandy Carrier… Vic Caudle… Danny Cherry... Barbara Collier… Jeanita Cook… Vance Cook… James Davis… Bobby Davidson...DECEASED Bobby Dickinson… Jayson Dobson… Lola Edwards Etheridge… John Matt Evett… Arthur Ferrell… Nita Jayne Fisher… Dan Forsee… William Frick… Mary Kay Fuqua… Fred Gaither… Tom Garner Butch Gay… Mark Gerfen… John German… Robin Ann German Sitton Alma Gibbs… Tim Green… Charles "Chuck" Grim Lynne Hackler Buskirk Gary Hall… Susan Hamilton… Larry Harlow… Michael Harmon… Sheila Harmon… Janice Harrison… Debbie Hawkins… Edward Herring… Byron Hickman… Brent Hitch…Deceased June 14, 2008 (Husband of classmate Nancy Newberry.) Paul Holiday… Gary Holmes… Cynthia Hood Smalley… Rick Howell… Beverly Jones Ledgerwood...Deceased Stephanie Jones... William Judd… J M Kelsey... Susan Kindley… David Kinzie… Goldie Lacy… William Lacy… Gerald Lamb Denise Lane Vaught Frank Ledgerwood Brenda Lee Ward… Robin Lemmons… Kirk Leninger… Shelle Lewis (deceased)… Tim Lott... Tammy Ludtke Spracklen Sam Lukens… Edie Maitlen Rogers(email) on Facebook Pamela Maitlen Lynch Gary Martin… Rocky Mathis… Julie McDowell… Sam Miller... Eultine Mitchell... Olivettea Mitchell… Judy Mock… Jon Pat Moore David Morris Bill Neal (deceased)... Rondol Neal… Nancy Lu Newberry Hitch… Jeff O’Dell... Ed Owens Chris Parker… Danny Paul... Joe Phillips… Jesse Pilgrim Randal Quackenbush… Keith Reiley… Kevin Reiley (email) on Facebook Beckie Ricks… Montene Reese… Robert Roe… Robin Carter… Linda Rush Tucker, deceased April 2007… Rick Shackelford Rebecca Shelton… David Short… Kim Smalley… Teri Smith… David Sparling… Emma Spire… John Spire… Debra Stewart… Alceed Thomas… Jeff Toland Robert Vanhouse… Albert Vasso or Albert Vasso Tim Vaught Jay Ward… Jim Warrior… Benjamin Welch… Debbie Williams Parker... Jay Williams… Penny Williams... Don Winkleman Cindy Winterscheidt Watson… Doug Witham Tonya Wright… Carol Yaunt Was it so long ago that we stood in front of the candy counter at Woolworth's, looking through the glass...trying to decide how to spend our money...malted milk balls were a favorite of mine...what was yours? Monday, May 17, 1976 8:00 P.M. High School Football Field
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