If you had been born in 1983 here is how life would appear to you.


 Ricky Nelson, Marvin Gaye and Laura Ashley have always been dead.

The New Kids on the Block are over the hill.

 They want to be PHAT but not fat.

 IBM Selectrics are antiques.

 Thongs no longer come in pairs and slide between the toes.

 God has never been a “he” in most churches.

 Hard copy has nothing to do with a TV show; a browser is not someone relaxing in a bookstore; a virus does not make humans sick; and a mouse is not a rodent (and there is no proper plural for it).

 Moscow has always been opposed to “star wars.”

 Recording TV programs on VCRs became legal the year they were born.

 The British Royal family has always behaved badly.

 There has always been Diet Coke.

 Artificial hearts have always been ticking.

 The Social Security system has always been on the brink.

 There have always been warnings about second-hand smoke.

 They have never experienced a real recession.

 A hacker is not just a kid who won’t stop fooling around.

 Grenada has always been safe for democracy.

 They were born the same year as the PC and the Mac.

 The U.S. Senate has always had a daycare program.

 One earring on a man indicates that he is probably pretty conservative.

 CDs have always been labeled for explicit content.

 Lethal Weapon in one form or another has always been “at the movies.”

 Boeing has not built the 727 since they were born.

 Sarajevo was a war zone, not an Olympic host.

 They don’t remember Janet Jackson when she was cute and chubby.

 Drug testing of athletes has always been routine.

 There has always been a hole in the ozone layer.

 They have always used email.

 The Colts have always been in Indianapolis.

 The precise location of the Titanic has always been known.

 When they were born, Madonna was still a radiant woman holding a beatific child.

 Jimmy Hoffa has always been officially dead.

Tylenol has always been impossible for children or adults to open.

Volkswagen beetles have always had engines in the front.

 They do not know what the Selective Service is, but men routinely register for it on their financial aid forms.

Ron Howard and Rob Reiner have always been balding older film directors.

Cal Ripken has always been playing baseball.

They have probably never used carbon paper and do not know what cc and bcc mean.

Lasers have always been marketed as toys.

Major newspapers have always been printed in color.

Beta is a preview version of software, not a VCR format.

 They have never known exactly what to call the rock star formerly and presently known as Prince.

They are the first generation to prefer tanning indoors.

 "Survivor" is a TV show not a rock group.

 They have heard “just say no” since they were toddlers.

 Most of them know someone who was born with the help of a test tube.

 It has paid to “Discover” since they were four.

Oprah has always been a national institution..

With a life expectancy of 77 years, they can anticipate living until about 2060

1983 Class Roster