July 2002

TR3 main

page 4

Sorry folks, probably should have warned you
about that picture there, dont think i mentioned
that some scenes might be unsuitable for children
and those with nervous dispositions...

So, from Bardsey, with the Manchester hating
taxi driver, we first go lost in Leeds, then Bradford
untill we found Sainsburys (our local breakfast
joint it would seem) in a place called Greengates

Now i dont know what we were expecting, but i
suppose our first impressions were good - we
met David’s ‘friends’ and not only did they drink
beer (cool), smoke dope (almost legal now) and
rent Jay and Silent Bob (which helped Rory
through the dark nights) they seemed normal
too....although in a kind of camp / flirty way...

The beverages were duly purchased at Sainsburies as bemused staff looked on. Damn our accents are cool.

Anyway, if my memory serves me correctly i believe we got 1 litre bottle of vodka, which somehow disapeared...what? why are you all looking at me? err...12 sidekicks, 4 red square, 4 cider things and 8 cans of beer. Oh and don't forget fergie chipping in with 4 cans of cola. Remember - this was Monday and we only have 7 days to drink 1000 beers, or 1000 units of alcohol. Yea, lets call it units, since there was only 2 real drinkers, 1 wannabe, one dying of tonsillitis, and David Allan.

Although on the first night even he did no bad. Drinking absinth and generously sharing it around those willing to have a go. The english lightweights, sorry, our hosts for the night chipped in with a few beers but nothing major. And once we had woken up in the morning we discovered we had drunk 119 beers in one night! Thats way over 250 units. We were on our way!!!