July 2002

TR3 main

page 6

So it was time for bed on night 1 at 11am on day 2, but hey, us students are used to that life. We woke up at some point, showered and stuff then walked to the ‘local.’ I think even the mighty Bolton was a bit worse for wear as we all sipped cokes to remove the remnants of the night before from our minds.

Round 2 though and the real men, Gordon and David started on the day 2 festivities. Fergie, realising that he smells, went to the tent for about 90 minutes to get washed...we didn’t ask what took him so long...there are some things that you just dont need to know!

Now this wee pub happened to have a dartboard - and very little else! McQueeney, fresh from his victory in Easter 2002, was very confident. McAskill was assuring us that he would win. Bolton, knew neither had a chance.

With McC in the lead for most of the game, and McA
struggling to even break 400, Bollton made a
magnificent last throw (even the wee kid at the bar
was impressed) to win the game agains the odds.

Eventually it was time to go to Leeds. This time we
got the bus, when it finally turned up. To pass the
time we bounced ideas off each other for our up
coming movie “Good Day to Die,”

Which was fun.