July 2001

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It was early evening Monday 2nd July when I decided to collect some of the many things I had given to people to borrow! My combat trousers being the first thing on the list (dont ask), as I collected my
trousers from the borrower, the Bolton mobile pulls up along side of the house, Deko Allan being in the passenger seat stared straight
ahead and coughed as though nothing was happening.As i walked towards the Roaring machine, which was Boltons car, I was wondering what this was about. I was asked " You working this week?" I replyed with an un-certain "No" Bolton then replies "Road Trip" no more was said and I was at his door by 9am the following morning. well not really many questions where asked about when we were leaving and what to bring etc. Anywayz, I had roughly 5 hours before my body clock decided to send me to sleep, so packing what I could find and borrow as much as I could from dad, my bags were packed and ready to go!

Early morning around 9am Tues 3rd July

I was still in sleep mode and Bolton, Jonny and Deko managed to fit my monster hold all into the all so tiny boot of The Bolton Mobile. After taking one or two photos using Boltons brand new wonder camera, of us before we set off into the sunrise! As soon as we had left Hamilton after topping up on petrol and munchies, I was out for the count until we arrived in a place unkown to me, with a large Hellofacopter (copyright Bolts) which I snapped as proof to myself I had been there and actually seen it!

So after having a look in the gift shop and finding nothing to waste the first of my money on, we were back on the road to the sound of my minidisc of "Music"!

I slept for the remainder of the journey until I was awoken by an abrupt brake of the car! My brain then had only one thought "FFFFFOOOOODDDDD" so I dived into the local spar and grabbed what savoury snacks i could this being a 12 pack of discos, pack of choccie digestives and a pack of chewing gum (incase we ran into any chicks!) me being set for the next half an hour it was on to the campsite where Bolton and I went in to pay for our nights stay, only to be told that they dont let groups of lads in incase they cause to much noise (partying etc!) i was enraged at this point but as i turned to exit the door to tell the rest of the road trip crew, the man says " Do I know you?" he quickly fixes his glasses for a better look, bolton then removes his austin power shades for the man to say "I'll let you in but only cause I know you! and no noise or parties unless I'm invited!" i was relieved, for a second till we got back to the car and bolton said "I knew he didnt let parties of boys in!" anwayz after much rage we calmed down and pitched our tents!
Boltons being of the highest LIDL quality which was free with a crate of 24 2% Kristorg beer (not really but would of been funny!) finds a spot next to the little canal in which I attempted to jump the next day!
Afetr we had finished the tents we managed to relax and drink some
of the many beer in which we had brought!