Dancing Space Potatoes? You Bet!!!


Well, if you are here, you probably already know me, in which case gives me the reason to have absolutely nothing about me on this page! If you don’t know me, then you probably got here by accident and in which case have probably already left by now...

So whats on here? Well not a lot cos I can’t really be bothered updating it, what with my action hero lifestyle (work, home, weekend, work, home, weekend). But you should check out the message board, especially if you know anyone i know, cos they’ll probably be in for some abuse at some point in the board, especially the guys from the old football team.

Since no one reads these pages anyway there’s not much point in writing anything here, but i will anyway. Road Trip has some stuff about past holidays, check out the movie game if you’re bored, and i’m sure i’ll put in some more soon, cos really, there’s nothing here...

Road Trip

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* statement not true


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