Easter : 2002



The boring rock climb of last year became an adventure
this year due to one simple factor - ice. Pure, solid, sore
to fall on ( just ask Rory) ice.

As we turned the corner of the mountain we faced yert
another challenge. Wind. We were sheltered up until
this point, then as we began to turn the wind hit us.

At points, the wind was so strong that we had to use the
old ‘duck and roll’ technique, with one exception -
dont roll.

As we got higher and higher, it got colder, icier, and more
dangerous. The inexperience of McQueeney wanted to go
down (or was that common sence?), and the inexperience
of Fergason wanted to go up! Bolton, not wanting to be
defeated, wanted to wait utill we could see the top before
making a final decision.

This shot on the right was taken at the expense of my
camera case. As i took it, the 60mph winds picked up my
case and walked off with it. As the case blew away,
McQueeney said “your case just blew away”....duh....

The car, I swore I parked it here