July 2001

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Tents: £35 from Lidl - How Hendo laughed.

We arrived at Dornoch in style, being told that there was “no chance” that we were getting in. 4 hours driving for nothing...but wait! “Do I know you?” says the owner. “You might remeber me from such films as ‘Lightning Never Strikes Twice’ or the fact that I come here every year. “Ah yes, ok then - but dont cause any trouble...”

Our top quality Lidl tent (the grey one) had a bit of a dodgy roof, and after waiting weeks to get it fixed David “idiot” Bolton forgot the damn thing. We we in for a rain soaked night. But by chance we picked up a big...thing of plastic and some pegs, and it did the job, although it did let the sound of Deko’s coughing out, keeping most of the highlands awake.

Fergie, with a red T shirt on...