I feel sick
Just plain sick
I want to curl up and not feel for a long time
People... people... it’s always people
People have these emotions, emotional reactions... it’s crazy but
They’re there
Did you, yes You
Did You ever wonder why people feel the way they do
I don’t mean why they feel a certain way
I mean why they feel at all
There has to be a reason
That we feel sad or angry or embarrassed or tumbled up butterflies inside
Is it because it helps us somehow?
Does it help us cope? Does it help us survive?
Why do we do these things to our bodies?
More importantly, when you feel a certain way, any way at all,
And you don’t like it, or despise it, or are scared of it,
You should ask yourself, but why?
Of course there’s a reason and if so, it must be o.k.
So it’s o.k. to feel, just every now and again, feel and let it free
May 3, 2001 (5:00 a.m.)