A Child's Story

“Dear Sponsor, I am very happy because in a far place called Oklahoma lives a person who loves me.” Thus began the letter by six-year-old Ruth, one of the many children in South America trapped in poverty.

“I was sad because my father doesn't think about my needs.” One day Ruth's father left home and never returned. Now her mother struggled to provide for Ruth.

“When I receive your letters, my mother helps me to read them. I am happy for this. My mother smiles to see how I am happy.” Thankfully, God had not forgotten Ruth. The church that she attended had teamed up with Compassion International to provide for the needs of children like Ruth. But in order for Ruth to participate, she needed a sponsor.

“I accept your help. Thank you for your wish of being my sponsor.” One day Ruth's mother received welcomed news. A Christian in the USA had decided to sponsor Ruth. Not only would the family receive much-needed material help, but also the family would hear about God's love and see that love in action.

“My mother and my sister greet you. God bless you. I send hugs and kisses to you. God bless you forever.” Ruth thrived because of the help that she received from her sponsor. Yes, it is necessary to preach the Gospel to people living in poverty, but it is equally necessary to provide the practical help described in the Lord's parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25).

When she was a teenager, Ruth sent the following letter to her sponsor:

“Hello my loved Dad. I hope your life is bright and that you have the best friendship with the best friend we can have, our good God. I am enjoying the project and learning from God's Word. Please pray that God will bring prosperity to our project as I am not the only one here. There are many other teenagers and children who receive many benefits because of the great help you are giving us. I have to say bye. Remember that I love you and that you are my great support. Your daughter, Ruth.”

Sponsorship gave Ruth the means to escape poverty, and it also helped Ruth develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Today, Ruth is a healthy, happy Christian adult who shares the love of Jesus with others. It is Ruth's prayer that children trapped in poverty will receive the same kind of help that she received through sponsorship, the kind of help described in "In Another Land".

If you are looking for a way to participate in the Great Commission, if you are looking for a way to fulfill the lesson of Christ's parable of the sheep and goats, then sponsoring a child through Compassion International is a wonderful way to do so.

Sponsors are heroes to children trapped in poverty. Somewhere in the world there is a child needing a sponsor just like you.

Compassion International www.compassion.com 1-800-336-7676

“In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.”- Compassion International mission statement

Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion

Note: The photo at the top of this page is a photo of Ruth when she was age six.

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