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This part of the site was definitely in need of an update ... I've decided to keep it up because I think it contains some of the most profound things I said as a 12-year-old. Sometimes I impress myself ... very rarely, but sometimes.
Anyway, I'm still very much the little pagan. I'm less fanatical about it than I was at that early stage ... at that point, I needed to be learning. I was figuring out what I believed, what everyone else believed, and a lot else about the world besides. Diving head-first into religion helped me get a lot straight. Right now it's more like it's part of my essence - I don't feel the need to focus on it as a separate part of me. It just is. I think that's what I was going for.
Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to update some of the resources I had put up here, maybe put up some artwork and stuff. If Essence ever gets its shit back together, I'll put some of that stuff up here as well. Until then ...

*Blessed Be*


Note: Some of you probably did a double-take at the name. In most circles dealing with Paganism (heh, did you catch my play on words there? whee I feel smart) I'm referred to as *Aislyn* - I still answer to all my other names, it's just what I'm most comfortable with. So I wanted to use it here.
Some background on it: It's pronounced ASH-lyn (except for some disagreements ~ my aunt claims it's the Gaelic spelling of *Eileen* and Ali's character *Aislynn* is pronounced AZ-lyn with the *a* as in *face*, but I digress). It's a Gaelic word for dream or vision. For a bit online I was called AislynFarra, farra is Welsh and means *beautiful* ... I won't complain if you call me it ;) But it felt too long and unwieldy and for a long time I didn't feel like I could ever call myself *beautiful* and really mean it. So Ais I remain.

Comments? Criticism? Wanna tell me I'm going to hell?