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God speaks to all of us...

Reflection is good for the soul...

Reflection is good for the soul

For all who pray and wait for God to answer...

I don't know what to say... Reflection is good for the soul.
We must question our existence every day
A sailor keeps his course true
His compass is his tool
He Adjusts for wind, adrift, and current
But he always knows which way is north
So must we... or we will always be lost
So keep your compass handy
God is more than a fancy picture
Our forefathers had this faith
Look at our money... In God We Trust
When I hear the good news
It is food for the soul
God said it best in his own words,
Not to be troubled, not to have fears,
For I will be with you to the end of time
So, sent your prayers...then remain still
God will provide the answer in our hearts.

By Louis Joseph Barbier
Copyright ©2004