Tamarindo bien fria...

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Tamarindo bien fria...

Un Resfresco de Tamarindo can really cool you off...

Reflections on Tamarind on a hot day in Panama

The tamarind fruit is also known as tamarindo. It is a thick, dark brown or reddish-brown pulp surrounding small seeds inside a hard, brittle bean-shaped pod. The flavor of the date-like pulp is both tart and sweet, resembling a combination of apricots, dates, and lemons.

Tamarind adds a piquant flavor to chutneys and curries. It is also used in marinades for meat and poultry, and is a key ingredient
in Worcestershire sauce.

Tamarind contains the soluble fiber pectin--a substance that is used in the manufacturing process of some commercially produced jams and jellies.

Lo que siempre satisface... un tamarindo bien fria!

Agua de Tamarindo (Tamarind)

The pods of the tamarind tree, which are found in Panama and countless number in old Cocoli, contain large seeds surrounded by a sticky brown pulp, which is sold as tamarind paste. Tamarind pods are sold in bulk in el gran mercado (large markets) and also from mobile vendors who roam about the streets of Panama City. The best way and my favorite way to enjoy Tamarindo is in a cool icy drink.
Of course you can also have it over ice like a raspao.


10 tamarind pods
1-quart water
3/4 cups sugar, or to taste


Peel the tamarind pods, removing the veins that run along the sides. Don't worry if bits of the pod adhere to the pulp; they will come off easily after cooking. Do not attempt to remove the seeds at this point.

Bring half the water to a boil and add the peeled tamarind pods. Boil until the pulp is soft, about 15 minutes.

Let the tamarind water sit until the pulp is cool enough to handle.

Using your hands, remove the seeds from the pulp; they will slide out easily. Discard the seeds and any bits of outside peel
that may have stuck before cooking.

Put the pulp, cooking water and sugar in the blender and then liquefy.

Strain this mixture into a pitcher and add the remaining water.

Mix well and chill before serving.

Tamarinds are loaded with vitamin C.

Agua de Tamarindo stimulates the daily constitution.

Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting...
Wow! What a ride!

Donde estamas? Donde esta Salsipuedes? Estoy cansado... vamos a resfrecar con un tamarindo bien fria..

Cuando Caliente el sol... lets escape to Panama... a lost tropical paradise at 9 degrees above the equator… Panama at the cross roads of world commerce in the heart of the universe… Panama more than just a canal… What a place to get away from it all... Just do it... Why out and about don't forget to try a tamarindo bien fria! Not to worry about the water... it comes from the Chagres River... it is the best water in the world...Enjoy your tamarindo... you will be glad you did!!!

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There is a tide in the affairs of men Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.--- Julius Cæsar. Act IV. Sc. 3.