The Official History of the USS Ancon AGC-4
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The Official History of the USS Ancon AGC-4

Here the Ancon is wearing Measure 31a, Design 18Ax camouflage... makes for a very interesting photo

USS Ancon... a history of a Mighty Ship

(AP-66: dp. 14,150; 1. 493'; b. 64'; dr. 26'3"; s. 18 k.; cpl. 707; a. 2 5", 4 40mm., 14 20mm.)

Ancon was launched on 24 September 1938 at Quincy Mass., by the Bethlehem Steel Co.; sponsored by Mrs. Harry Woodring, wife of the Secretary of War; owned and operated by the Panama Railroad Co.; and placed in service on 22 June 1939 for cargo and passenger service between New York City, N.Y., and Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone.

The ship was taken over by the Army Transport Service on. 11 January 1942. She made two voyages to Australia carrying American troops to bolster that continent's defenses before being acquired by the Navy on 7 August 1942. She was placed in commission at the Boston Navy Yard as Ancon (AP-66) on 12 August 1942, Lt. Comdr. D. H. Swinson in command.

Following her commissioning, Ancon underwent a month's work at Boston being converted for naval service. On 12 September, she got underway for the Virginia capes and, upon her arrival at Norfolk, took on cargo and troops for transportation to Baltimore Md. The ship reached that port on 6 October and disembarked her passengers. She then conducted trials and exercises in the Chesapeake Bay. After pausing again at Norfolk to take on more troops and equipment, the ship left the east coast on 24 October, bound for North Africa as a member of Transport Division 9, Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet.

Ancon anchored off Fedhala, French Morocco, on 8 November and began lowering her boats at 0533. The first troops were debarked an hour later. During the course of the assault, men on the ship witnessed the sinking of four other transports, and Ancon sent out boats to rescue their survivors. On 12 November, the transport headed out and, three days later, put into Casablanca harbor. She got underway on the 15th with a convoy bound for Norfolk.

After a brief pause there, Ancon traveled to Brooklyn, N.Y., for voyage repairs. A brief period of sea trials preceded the ship's loading cargo and troops for transportation to Algeria. She sailed on 14 January 1943 as a member of the Naval Transport Service. The ship reached Oran on the 26th and spent five days discharging her cargo before heading back toward New York City, where she arrived on 13 February. On that day, the vessel was reassigned to the Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Forces. On the 16th, Ancon entered the Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Va., to undergo conversion to a combined headquarters and communications command ship. She was redesignated AGC-4 on 26 February.

Following the completion of the yard work on 21 April, Ancon held trials and exercises in the Chesapeake Bay through May and into early June when she was designated the flagship of the Commander of the Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Forces. The ship got underway for Oran on 8 June with Task Force (TF) 85. The ship had been selected to participate in the invasion of Sicily, and her preparations continued after her arrival at Oran on 22 June.

Carrying Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, Commander, TF 85, and Lieutenant General Omar Bradley on board, Ancon sailed on 5 July for the waters off Sicily. She reached the transport area off Scoglitti, Sicily, on the 10th and lowered her boats early that morning. Despite enemy fire, the ship remained off Scoglitti providing communications services through the 12th and then got underway to return to North Africa. At the end of a fortnight there, she shifted to Mostaganem, Algeria, on 29 July. In mid-August, the vessel moved to Algiers, Algeria. During her periods in port, she prepared for the upcoming invasion of mainland Italy for which she had been designated flagship for the Commander of the 8th Fleet Amphibious Forces in Northwest African Waters.

On 6 September, Ancon got underway for Salerno. During the operation, the ship carried Lieutenant General Mark Clark who commanded the 5th Army. At 0330 on 9 September, the first wave of Allied troops hit the beach. Thereafter, she remained in the transport area, undergoing nearly continuous enemy air harassment, until she moved to Palermo, Sicily, to pick up ammunition to replenish her sister ships. She returned to the area off Salerno on the 15th but, the next day, arrived back in Palermo.

After two weeks in that Sicilian port, Ancon shaped a course for Algiers. She reached that port on 2 October and spent almost six weeks undergoing repairs and replenishment. USS Ancon set sail for the United Kingdom in mid November and on 25 November, arrived in Devonport, England, where she was designated the flagship of the 11th Amphibious Force. An extended period of repairs and preparations for the impending invasion of France kept Ancon occupied through the winter and much of the spring participating in training exercises with other Allied warships. On 25 May, King George VI of the United Kingdom visited the ship.

The preparations culminated on 5 June, when Ancon got underway for Baie de la Seine, France. She served as flagship for the assault forces that landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy. Throughout the invasion, the ship provided instructions for forces both afloat and ashore. She transferred various units of the Army command to headquarters ashore and made her small boats available to other ships to carry personnel and materials to the beachhead. On 27 June, she got underway to return to England and, the next day, arrived at Portland.

Ancon remained in British waters through late September, when she sailed in a convoy bound for the east coast of the United States. She reached Charleston, S.C., on 9 October and was then assigned to the Amphibious Training Command. At the completion of repairs at the Charleston Navy Yard on 21 December, the ship got underway for sea trials. Five days later, she shaped a course for the Pacific. On the last day of 1944, the ship transited the Panama Canal and joined the Pacific Fleet. She continued on to San Diego, Calif., where she arrived on 9 January 1945.

U on reaching San Die 0, Ancon entered Amphibious Group 5. She then proceeded to Pearl Harbor and, during the first two weeks of February, carried out training exercises in Hawaiian waters. On the 15th, she set out for Eniwetok where she paused to refuel before pushing on to Saipan. She reached there late in February and began holding rehearsals off that island and Tinian for the upcoming assault on Okinawa. The ship sailed for the Ryukyus with Transport Squadron 15 on 27 March.

Ancon arrived with TG 51.2 off the southeast coast of Okinawa on 1 April. Due to heavy enemy air activity, the ship stood out to sea on the 3d and set out for Saipan on the 11th. She disembarked marines at Saipan on the 15th. After replenishment, Ancon left Saipan to return to Okinawa. For three weeks, she was anchored off the western beaches of Okinawa and supported forces ashore. During this time, the ship was almost continuously at general quarters due to Japanese air raids.

Ancon left Okinawa on 3 June and proceeded to Subic Bay and Manila, Philippines. There, she served as flagship of Commander, 7th Amphibious Force. For the next two months, the ship was involved in preparations for invasion of the Japanese home islands. However, this operation never materialized because Japan capitulated on 15 August. Shortly thereafter, Ancon got underway for Tokyo Bay with an intermediate stop at Iwo Jima. On 22 August, the ship rendezvoused with units of the 3d Fleet and sailed on toward Japan.

On the morning of the 29th, Ancon sailed into Tokyo Bay and assumed duties as a press release ship in coordination with battleship Iowa (BB-61). From the ship's anchorage between Missouri, (BB-63) and South Dakota (BB-57), her crew witnessed the official Japanese surrender on 2 September. Ancon left Japanese waters on 20 September and set a course for Guam. She briefly stopped at Apra Harbor on the 27th, pushing on that same day for Saipan. T ere, the ship embarked occupation troops and sup- before reversing her course on 29 September and heading back to Japan.

On 2 October, Ancon was assigned to the 5th Fleet as the headquarters ship for a strategic bombing survey. She touched at Yokohama, Japan, on 3 October and remained in that area through November. Then, her survey duties being completed, the ship got underway on 1 December to return to the United States.

Ancon reached San Francisco Bay on 14 December. She remained at San Francisco in availability until 4 January 1946 when she sailed for the east coast. The USS Ancon again went through the Panama Canal on 14 January and rejoined the Atlantic Fleet. She continued on to the New York Naval Shipyard, where she arrived on the 23d and began deactivation preparations. Ancon was decommissioned on 25 February 1946 and was returned to her owner. Her name was struck from the Navy list on 17 April 1946.

Ancon won five battle stars for her World War II service.

Did you know that before the 1938 Ancon there was an earlier one? Yes there was... it was an American Freighter built in 1902... it too was called the Ancon. This Ancon was the official first transit of the Panama Canal on opening day August 15, 1914

The Ancon, was a 9332 gross ton cargo steamship, that was built in 1902 at Sparrows Point, Maryland. The Navy acquired her from the U.S. Army in mid-November 1918 and converted her to a troop transport for use during the post-World War I redeployment of forces back to the U.S. from Europe. It was then commissioned as USS Ancon. In late March 1919, she made two round-trip voyages between France and the United States. The ship was decommissioned at New York City in July 1919 and returned to the War Department.

Here is a tidbit for all you history buffs;

The ICC bought the SS Shawmut and the SS Tremont from the Boston Steamship Company in 1908 and renamed them the Ancon and Cristobal. These ships operated between New York and Colon until 1939, when they were replaced by the "Panama Liners of 1939", the Ancon, Cristobal, and Panama.

In David MCCullough's classic, "The Path Between the Seas"...The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870 - 1914; the cover shows the steamer Ancon southbound as it clears the cut on August 15, 1914.

The country of Panama is located just 9 degrees above the Equator. It is a lost paradise of enchantment. It is a place dreams and fabulous memories. You can be part of it all...Come to Panama... it is more than a canal.

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Tocumen Forecast

Escape to Panama... a lost tropical paradise at 9 degrees above the equator… Panama at the cross roads of world commerce in the heart of the universe… Panama more than just a canal… What a place to get away from it all... Just do it... you will be glad you did!!!

Here is the USS Ancon ACG-4 locking through northbound at Miraflores Locks. The Ancon was a frequent visitor to Panama during the war years.

Here you can see the sailors on the USS Missouri BB-63 in Tokyo Bay getting a glimpse of the official surrender of the Imperial Naval Forces of Japan. The USS Ancon ACG-4 was there. She is the center ship a few points off the bow of the Missouri.

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Picture credits: Author, Bill Fall, David McCullough book's "The Path Between The Seas," US Navy archives, Panama Canal Archives and, Naval Historical Society.