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Cafe Duran

Cafe Duran... El cafe que si satisface!

I remember when...

I use to have Sunday brunch at the Tivoli Hotel. My typical order was a large glass of water straight from the Chagres River. Yes the best tasting water in the world.

A distinguish Jamaican waiter in a heavily starched white coat with a black bow tie would take my order. The conversation would go something like this; “Good morning Sir, this is the best water in the water.... One glass and you will always come back for more.” I would say, "Thank you,” as the waiter would pour me a another glass of water.

Then I would order a small glass of orange juice which came freshly squeezed, 2 slices of dry toast with jelly, some figs, and a cup of cafe Duran black with fresh mount hope dairy cream on the side and a stack of white cubes of sugar, on a fine china plate with the Tivoli logo on the bottom.

The Panama Canal Company Storehouse division would ensure that there was always enough of everything required to run the Tivoli Hotel on hand... yes those were the carefree days of the old Canal Zone.

Cafe Duran, the best coffee in all the world!

Visit the Tivoli Hotel...

A Ship locking through at night at Miraflores Locks.

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The Panama Canal

The country of Panama is located just 9 degrees above the Equator. It is a lost paradise of enchantment. Panama is also a place dreams and fabulous memories. You can be part of it all...Come to Panama... it is more than a canal.

Click for Tocumen, Panama Forecast

Drink Cafe Duran the best coffee in the world...Escape to Panama... a lost tropical paradise at 9 degrees above the equator… Panama at the cross roads of world commerce in the heart of the universe… Panama is more than just a canal… Stay at the famous Tivoli Hotel in your dreams... Panama what a place to get away from it all... Just do it... you will be glad you did!!!

Picture credits: Author, US Navy archives, Panama Canal Company Archives, Naval Historical Society