A Message from the Gipper...

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A Message from the Gipper...

My Fellow Americans,
The long journey now has ended,
Yes, the Lord has called me home.
But my dear beloved Nancy,
You will never be alone.
For I will walk beside you,
The way you walked with me.
You will feel my presence with you,
Just the way it used to be.
For all the things that broke your heart
As you watched my memory fade,

God fixed, in but a moment,
Kept the promises
He made: That in Heaven,
"Old is New,"
"Sick are well forevermore,"
"Failing minds and tiring bodies,"
"Are made whole, I will restore."
The road we traveled hand in hand,
Took a long and painful bend,
We had no way of knowing,
When this trip would finally end.

I know the days were lonely,
As you sat quiet by my side,
This journey to an unknown land,
Truly was, "A Long Good-by."
America, I thank you,
For the great stage that you gave me,
To enjoy life's awesome ride,
Where the World became my audience,
With Nancy at my side.

I auditioned for The President,
Got the part--answered the call.
It was my finest hour on stage,
The greatest, "Gig," of all.
I had some, not so funny lines,
The most impressive I recall,
Were those four words to Gorbachev,
"Tear down this wall.
"Keep your faith in God,
America,Keep standing, straight and strong.
As I told you in my last, "Farewell,"
"There will be a brighter dawn."

As the world takes pause to ponder,
Midst turmoil and unrest,
The Director's cast is being filled,
He chooses just the best.
Here on God's great set in Heaven,
I can hear the angels sing,
That great old hymn, "Amazing Grace,"

The final scene will soon begin.
As I watched the credits rolling,
At the ending of the film,
I saw again how truly blessed,
My life on Earth had been.
I see green pastures in the distance,
And my horse is waiting there,
With a golden saddle shining,
And my favorite hat to wear.

Click for Tocumen, Panama Forecast

No me digas... Si it is true! President Ronald Wilson Reagan said this about the Panama Canal; "We built it, we paid for it, it's ours, and we're going to keep it"... So where is your optimum Home Leave destination? ... It is like God's Retirement Plan, which is out of this world... Yea that is the size of it... President Ronald Reagan will go down in history as a great president... One of the top 5! See you clubhouse hounds later... it is great to chew the fat but I gotta shove off... Hasta la vista...

No me digas... Are you ready to escape to Panama?... It is a lost tropical paradise at 9 degrees above the equator… Panama at the cross roads of world commerce in the heart of the universe… Panama more than just a canal… What a place to get away from it all... Just do it... you will be glad you did!!!

Too Many Secrets

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Parada...Yo dije parada! No me digas que no! Dale mas fuerte!Yes this will be our first stop and one of many if you stay on the Chiva as we explore a lost paradise at the crossroads of world commerce in the heart of the universe. This enchanting land where magic is at your fingertips is only a few hours south of Miami. I plan to give you a preview of what it was to have had the good fortunate to have been born in Panama and spend all my early years in the old Canal Zone. Yes, Welcome to my corner of the world. We also plan to visit Cocoli… the best little town site on the banks of the Panama Canal. Enjoy your visit. You are welcome to join us we go to the beach or just go on safari. If there are any questions or comments feel free to E-Mail Me… I will try to answer them manana. God bless you and yours… And you all come back… you hear? Hasta la vista and Buena Suerte! May the Force be with you…