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1885 Choctaw Freedmen - Doubtful Claims

The following names represent those African citizens of the Choctaw Nation, who applied for citizenship, and whose enrollment was doubted by the nation. As a result they were put on a separate entry referred to as Doubtful Claims. The document does not state why they were doubted by the nation, and clearly many of the names listed included slave owners, who were citizens by blood of the Choctaw Nation. To preserve the integrity of the document as it is kept in the National Archives, the names are recorded here in the order in which they appear. Researchers, however, are encouraged to refer to the original document in Record Group 75 at the National Archives. The name of the document is the 1885 Choctaw Chickasaw Freedman Census.

These names are presented in the order in which they appear on the 1885 Census. When noted, the Slave owner of the Freedmen is listed, and when the nationality of the Freedmen was Chickasaw, it is also noted here.

Hattie Lucan/Chickasaw/Lem Reynolds
Fannie Lucan
Andrew Lucan/Chickasaw/David Harris
Rose Graham/Peter Folsom
Elizabeth Graham
Arena Graham
Lee Anna Graham
Allie Murrey/Mr. Bridges
Richmond Murrey
Emmett Murrey
Gaines Murrey
Molly Murrey
Julian Murrey
Isaac Murrey
Giles Murrey
*Willis Daniel/W.A. Welch
*Charity Daniel
*Martha Moore
*Molly Gooden
*Elverata Thompson
Thomas Johnson/Pinkney Price
Sarah Colbert
Martha James
Mirna Turnbull
Beck Shoals
Edmond McDonald
Eliza Johnson/Cherokee slave owner
Lizzie Folsom/Cherokee slave owner
Many Butler/Cherokee slave owner
Tom Johnson/Cherokee slave owner
Isaac Bradberry
George Linch
William Green/Gill
Allack Green
Frank Green
Fany Harrison/(White man in Texas)
Allice Harrison
Mollie Harrison
Caroline Lewis
Andy Lewis
Stephen Lewis
Harry Lewis
Lee Lewis
Bud Lewis
Margaret Lucker
Daniel Jeffries **
Sealy Washington ***
John Jeffries
Elsy Lewis
Hancy Lewis
Fany Lewis
Sarah Wilson
Alex Lewis
Joe Lewis
Willie Lewis
L. F. Lewis
Nettie Lewis
Susan Lewis
Reuben Hotchkin/E. Hotchkin, Missionary
(Unamed)Cherokee woman's children by Hotchkin
Silas Hotchkin
James Hotchkin
Sallie Hotchkin
William Hotchkin
Robert Hotchkin
Seah Hotchkin
Lottie Hotchkin
Joe Murry
Braxton Chilton(Clinton)/Cliricy Williams
Braxton Clinton
Emma Clinton
Gaisie Blinton
Billie Clinton
Czrina Clinton
Riley Reynolds/Lem Reynolds
William Green/(White Man in Texas)
Sarah Ann Keel
Aron Cyrus
Willie Austin
Fany Roby
Nat Perry
Mary Flint
Mandy Wilson/(White Man in Arkansas)
George Anna Moore
Mattie Wilson
William Colbert
Stewart Colbert Alex Flack
Samuel Flack
Agnes Polen
Frank Nelson
Helen McCoy
Ada McCoy
Alicae McCoy
Carry McCoy
Vicey Jackson
Saphronia Jackson
Philix Jackson
Emmanuel Jackson
George Jackson
Lon Cowens
Sam Perry
Catherin Perry
Victory Perry
Pink Perry
Douglas Perry
Whitchan Pery
Catherine Perry
Salina Perry
Bessey Perry
Jeff Perry
Lee Kemp

*A special notation appears near these 5 names claiming that they were not entitled to citizenship, though Willis Daniel was a slave of W.A. Welch a citizen of the Choctaw Nation.

**A special notation states that Daniel Jeffries has 5 children, though they are not named on this census.

***A special notation states that Sealy Washington has 3 children, though they are not named on this census.

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