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Chapter One

"Kayla, come 'ere for a sec"

I heard my mom calling me from the kitchen and I sighed. I hated her. She was such a god damn drunk. "What is it mom?"

"I'm goin out"


"I'm not gonna be home tonight"

"Ok" And before I knew it, she was out the door and the car was speeding down the street. I'd had to put up with her being a drunk ever since Dad left us when I was 10. Ever since then, she'd hit the grog and she'd hit it hard. Every night since he'd left, she'd gone out to the pub, and she'd bring home a new guy each time she came home, that was, IF she came home. My thoughts were interrupted by the phone.


"Kayla, it's Megz"

"MEGZ! Haven't heard from you in a while"

"Yeah, sorry, I've been out with a couple of people lately, but, I was wondering what you were doing tonight, wanna come over and listen to this new CD I got? It's awesome"

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do"

"K, cool, we'll get a pizza or something, so, come on over whenever you're ready"

"K, seeya soon"

I hung up and went to by bedroom and grabbed an old coat. I didn't have the best of wardrobes, so, I had to get by with hand-me-downs from Megz and my other friends. I grabbed the $5 note I'd found under the couch the other day and after locking up, I started the walk to Megan's house.
I arrived about 15 minutes later and it was starting to get dark. Megz welcomed me at her door and after greeting her mom and dad, we went upstairs to her den and she ordered a pizza. I really envied her, she had everything. BOTH her parents, a gorgeous house, lots of money, a fantastic wardrobe, everything she wanted, and even a horse. But, it wasn't her fault, so, I had to deal with it. After ordering the pizza, we went to her room and she hunted around for the new CD. I sat at her piano and started to play. This is what I envied the most abut Megan, she had her own piano in her room. I was a budding pianist and I'd been getting lessons at school for the past 3 years, along with the free lesson when I'd been at Megan's house while her tutor was her. Megz hated doing the piano, but, I loved it. It was the thing I could do best in the whole world, I guess I had a knack for it. She kept looking while I played to my heart's desire. I'd learnt a new piece the previous week at school and I was just perfecting it now. When I'd finished, I turned around and found Megz and her mom, Margaret, standing there in awe.

"Kayla, that was…amazing!"

I felt my face start to glow as they applauded and I stood up.

"Oh, well, I just learnt it and I'm trying to get it right"

"It sounds great. You know Megan, it sounds a lot like one of those songs on that new CD of yours…"

"Yeah, mom, umm, I Will Come To You I think it's called"

"Yes, well, Kayla, you should learn how to play I Will Come To You, I'm sure you'd sound fantastic"

"Thanks, I'll have a listen"

And with that, she left the room. "So, where's this CD of yours Megz?"

"Yeah, I found it, have a listen, it's really cool"

"K, sounds good"

She put it in her stereo and turned it up after shutting the door.

"Have you ever stood outside a picket fence, you will see through, but you can't get to the inside, woah"

I liked the sound of this. I listened to the rest of the song, bopping along, watching Megz hum along to the tune.

"Whose this again? Did you tell me?"

"Oh, umm"

she picked the CD cover up.


"OK, cool"

"Check them out, they're hot! Especially that one there"

she informed me, pointing to the one sitting in the middle on the front of the CD cover. "Ahh, Megz, isn't that a girl?"

"KAYLA! It is not! You know that! His name is Taylor, and he's an absolute hottie"

"Oh, OK, if you insist"

We listening to the rest of the song, which she told me was called Thinking Of You, then I listened in anticipation for the next song. After one song, I was already in love with the album. The groovy music for the next song started up and I started doing a little dance much to Megan's delight. She thought I was hilarious.

"What's this one called?"


"What bop?"


"OK, cooool"

I said as I danced along.

"You have so many relationships in this life, only one or two will last..."


I cried to Megz and she giggled at me. For the next 1/2 an hour or so, we listened to the album, and I almost cried when I heard the number 9 song.

"Oh my god, Megz! What song is this, it's beautiful!"

I cried as the gorgeous piano music filled my ears.

"This is that one mom and I were talking about, I Will Come To You"

"Wow, I love it!"

"Yeah, me too"

Not long after I Will Come To You was over, Margaret yelled up that the pizza had arrived. We stampeded down the stairs, collected the pizza, then headed straight back up the stairs again and we set ourselves up in the den. We decided we'd listen to the rest of the CD after we'd watched the movie Margaret had hired for us. It was then that I decided that I was going to have to save up and get that CD. Then, after that, I was going to try and convince mom to buy me the music book for it so I could play along. I sat daydreaming about my new favourite band and thought how cool it would be to meet them and tell them how much I loved their music and how influential it was. I shook my head. As if. I mean, AS IF they'd ever come here to Pine Knob. I snickered at the thought. Pine Knob sucked. I continued munching on my pizza, watching the movie and thinking about Hanson until I fell asleep.

Chapter 2