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Full Name: Zachary Hanson
Known As: Zac
Age: 15
Personality: Very caring and passionate in this story, another side of him than the usual 'wacky' attitude they always put him up to.
Why Zac: I chose Zac because I thought I needed to show a different side of him, and I'm sick of the 'Wacky Zaccy' bullshit image everyone gives him. He needs seriousness!!!

::Full Name:: Jordanna Clarke
::Known As:: Jordanna or Jordy
::Age:: 15
::Personality:: Very mature and bubbly, also very attractive. She is one of the most caring people ever, always thinking of everyone before her, especially Lucy. Strong-willed and like I said, VERY mature for her age, in both looks and personality.

::Full Name:: Lucy Mackenzie
::Known As:: Luce or Lucy
::Age:: 15
::Personality:: A very bubbly girl, even though she knows she will eventually die. She is mature, like Jordanna, and has one of the most positive attitudes you'll come across. Itz sad really, she doesn't deserve to die.
Seconday Characters

::Full Name:: Joshua Alexander Walker
::Known As:: Josh
::Age:: 28
::Role::Is the manager of the local radio station, where Jordy goes to seek help. Very very friendly guy, willing to help out almost anyone, and even though Jordanna never mentions it, she thinks he's a bit of a hottie ;)
::Pic Coming Soon::
::Full Name:: Theresa Ann Mackenzie
::Known As:: Theresa
::Age:: 38
::Role::Theresa is Lucy's mother, and Jordanna and her are quite close because of the time they have spent around Lucy with her at the hospital and tending to her at home. Very nice lady, typical mother :)
Dying Wishes
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