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Name: Krystal
Nickname: Krys, Kryssy, Krisby etc etc
Age: 15
Birthdate: September 3, 1984
Location: South Australia
Siblings: Sister...she's 11
Pets: A dog -- Blossom, my pride and joy ;)

Music Stuff
Whats your favorite kind of music? Absolutely anything. Seriously
Whats your favorite song? "Sure About It" by Hanson and "Only The Good Die Young" by Billy Joel
What song are you listening to right now? "Wonderful" by Everclear
What song has been stuck in your head all day? "War" - Edwin Starr
What is your favorite band? Hanson
What concerts have you been to? Frenzal Rhomb, Reel Big Fish, Area 7 and heaps of others at the Big Day Out (Blink 182, Chili Peppers, NIN, Foo Fighters etc), 5ive, Macy Gray, Savage Garden, Bardot, S2S, Anastacia and of course...Hanson :)
What was your favorite concert? Hanson. No questions asked. I love my boys ;)
What CD(s) is in your CD player? "Shades of Purple" by M2M
What radio station is your radio on? 107.1 - SA.FM
Do you play any instruments? Yeah
If yes, what? Drums.
Are you any good? Dunno
If you play an instrument, who inspired you to play it? Hanson
Whats the last CD you bought? Admiral Twin - Mock Heroic *highly recommended*

Your Love Life
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope...
If no, do you have a crush? Of course I do
Whats their name? Zac...(not Zac Hanson :P)
Have you ever been in love? Do you really care if I have?
Who is your most recent ex boyfriend/girlfriend? Blah blah blah
If you could go out with anyone right now, who would it be? Zac (again, not Hanson. But I wouldn't mind Zac Hanson at ALL ;)
What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? Sense of humor is a MUST, they gotta be sweet, have nice arms and butt (*smiles sweetly*) and looks are a bonus :)

Random Questions
What did you do or are you planning to do today? Well itz 2:10 am on Sunday, and I've gotten back from a party. But people are coming back here I think, so I'm in for a big one...
What are your plans for tomorrow? Try to wake before noon and not have people all over my house, or the house be trashed
When you think of stuff thats happened today, whats the first thing you think of? The party, and wishing I was back there.
Who are your best friends? You don't care, you won't remember them, so I won't bother listing them :)
Who are you favorite online friends? Dunno. I have lots. Perhaps...Shay? Yeah, definitely Shay :)
What do you say when you wanna say a cuss word but can't? I don't care, I just say it. I have a foul mouth. So sue me.

Color: Pink
Thing to drink: Dr Pepper
Food: Subway or bananas
Junk food: Not into much junk
Fast food: Subway
Yahoo ID: stoked116 ID: krisby
ICQ #: 53991841
Internet Service: Chariot

When Was The Last Time You...?
Took a shower: This morning
Cried: Ummm???
Laughed: I laugh all the time. My friends crack me up 24/7
Kissed someone: Tonight, my best friend Sharon kissed me on tha cheek!!
Talked on the phone: About 5 minutes ago...Sharon, on her mobile phone, drunk at all hell.
Talked to someone online: About half hour ago
Hugged someone: About an hour ago
Went to a concert: June something, Anastacia. A promotional one
Went to a major sporting event: Adelaide Crows v St Kilda Saints ages ago. I go to sporting events every week, just not major!

More Random Questions
What do you think of the person who sent this to you?
I got it off some webpage :)
Are you a night person or a day person? Night!
What is the last thing you said? "Don't get too drunk. Just bring everyone back here"
Type the first thing that pops into your head: "Why the f*ck are they taking so long?"
What kind of shampoo do you use? Pantene
Favorite saying: "Throw me a freakin bone here..." -- Dr Evil
Where do you go to school? Near my house
What jewelry do you always wear? My earrings, my bellybutton ring, and 7 rings on my fingers
Are you tired of answering these questions? YES, but itz keeping me awake
Do you want this poll to be over? Yes
This is the last question, are you happy? I'm happy anyway :)