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Full Name: Taylor Hanson
Known As: Taylor
Age: 17
Personality: Very friendly and passionate, also very caring towards Tally. Not much more to say.
Why Tay: I chose Tay because I already had two stories on Zac and Ike, and I needed one on Tay. Don't forget to check out the sequel after you've read this story :)

::Full Name:: Taylor Laurel
::Known As:: Taylor or Tally
::Age:: 15
::Personality:: Abused continually, and living without a couldn't get a life much worse. She is very self conscious even though she is very attractive, and Taylor seems to find the inner beauty inside her which the bruises and plasters are hiding.

Secondary Characters

::Pic Coming Soon::
::Full Name:: Clarke Laurel
::Known As:: Clarke
::Age:: 40
::Role::Is the father of Tally and is a vicious drunk. He continually beats Taylor to the point where she often ends up with bruises and is harrassed in many way by her father's drunken friends. To sum it up, he's a fu**ing bastard and doesn't deserve to have a daughter as good as Taylor, he doesn't realise what he has and basically, itz really sad.

::Full Name:: Brenda Anderson
::Known As:: Nurse Brenda
::Age:: 48
::Role:: Nurse Brenda isn't really mentioned THAT much, but whenever I think of her, I think of 'Ailsa' from an Australian show called 'Home And Away' and thought I may as well add her. She's a very caring lady and puts up with a lot :)
Why Me?
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