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Chapter Twelve - 4 Hours Later
My eyes slid open and I found myself in, well…darkness.

"Where am I?" I rasped and I heard a quiet giggle.

"It's alright Tally, we're almost home" My eyes adjusted to the dark, and, I saw Tay.

"Tay" I whispered and he smiled.

I reached up and pulled him into a hug. He was reluctant at first, then he held me really REALLY tight.

"Tay, a bit TOO tight here dude" I said and he giggled.

I could see Fran asleep in the front of the van, and Chris driving. The many advantages of the van…they can't see what you're doing.


"Yeah?" I looked him right in the eye.

Then I pulled his head down, and kissed him. And I mean REALLY kissed him. When we pulled away a minute or two later, he had a mischievous grin on his face.

"Well, I've been waiting to do THAT for a ages" he told me, giggling.

"Me too!" We laughed.

"Keep it down guys, I'm trying to sleep" I heard mom call.

"Sorry" I called back and he smiled.

"Tally, I really didn't WANT to break up with you, but, I figured it was all for the best ya know, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd get a boyfriend or anything, but…"

"Tay, I know, I don't even like Jack, he's such a jerk. He doesn't even care about me…can we please, give it another chance?" He stared at me thoughtfully.

"You know I want to, let's just, wait for all this to die down, and you can get rid of Jack" I nodded.

"OK, thankyou Taylor, love you"

"Love you too Tally" He snuggled up close next to me, then I shut my eyes, and let sleep devour me.

Chapter 13
Chapter 11