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Netscape Communications Refuses to let Web Master into His own account

Netscape Communications is a company owned by AOL/Time Warner

This is what happened to me recently.

I have an account at Netscape. Web Site Garage counter Tracker. My weekly reports had stopped...

From: To: <*****************>

Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 2:56 AM

Subject: Re: Hitometer - I would like to know if the e-ma... [#4587227]

I would like to know if the e-mail reports for non-paying members has been discontinued.

I used to get a report every week , Not lately. Why Not? Has my address been removed?


Then I sent this letter to netscape at

I would like to know if the e-mail reports for non-paying members has been discontinued. I used to get areport every week , Not lately. Why Not? Has my address been removed?

Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 3:32 PM Subject: Re: locked out of Web site garage again.

Dear Netscape Member, The information you provided does not match our records. Please reply to this message with the information you provided when you first registered in Netcenter.

Netscape’s privacy and security policies require that the information provided matches the data in the account record or we will not be able to process your request.

If you are unable to remember the information necessary for verification, you will need to open a new account.

We do apologize for any inconvenience that this causes you.

Netscape Support

Please, I have a large account and I dont want to have to redo it. Also since the e-mail address is already in the system it will not let me use it again with another member name. This happened before to that's why they had me to change it from walknmud to ******. I depend on the web site garage heavely, and every time I ask a question, they lock me out. I feel this is deliberate because just as quickly after I complain to 'higher-ups', like AOL, it's turned back on. I just wanted to know if the e-mail reports had been discontinued and why. I don't think it's right for people to be shut down for asking a question.

Dear Netscape member, Please provide any and all residential address information you may have used at the time of registration. Once we have this matching information, we can proceed in resolving your issue.

Thank you,
Netscape Support

Netscape personal,

I need my password to work and I need into my site at Website Garage. It has been delibertly shut down again for the 4th time.

Am I am being delibertly ignored? Please can guys fix this. Why do you keep sending these messages when I have provided you with the correct information? The message in red was sent after I sent the information.

Dear Netscape member,

Please provide any and all residential address information you may have used at the time of registration. Once we have this matching information, we can proceed in resolving your issue.

Netscape?s privacy and security policies require that the information provided matches the data in the account record or we will not be able to process your request.

If you are unable to remember the information necessary for verification, you will need to open a new account.

Thank you,
Netscape Support

I. C***** wrote:


I have moved since the first registeration in 1999. my old E-mail address was ************* After I moved it took me a week to get back to my site and I was given a new password and allowed to use a new member name which is ******.

Please, I have a large account and I dont want to have to redo it. Also since the e-mail address is already in the system it will not let me use it again with another member name. This happened before to that's why they had me to change it from walknmud to *****
We do apologize for any inconvenience that this causes you.

Netscape Support

Dear I***,

Hello! My name is Jean from the TechMail Department and as a Customer Care Consultant, it is my pleasure to assist you with your concerns or issues regarding America OnLine Services.

I understand from your recent e-mail that you have concerns about Netscape.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

Thanks for writing! We appreciate you taking the time to write and hope that you'll enjoy your time online.

The specialists at Member Services work to deliver the highest level of customer satisfaction of any company, in any industry. We are dedicated to providing the fastest, friendliest, and most useful support experience available. We are always ready to answer questions and do whatever we can to make the online experience an even more enjoyable and useful part of our members' everyday lives.

Many of the changes made throughout the years have been the result of suggestions and ideas offered to us by our members.

I have passed your comments to the appropriate staff members for review.

Jean M.
Customer Care Consultant
The TechMail Department
America Online, Inc.

Dear I****,

Thank you for writing to America OnLine (AOL). My name is Rein from the TechMail Department and as a Customer Care Consultant, it is my pleasure to assist you with your concerns or issues regarding America OnLine Services.

I understand from your recent e-mail that you have concerns about Netscape.

Please accept my deepest and sincerest apology for this issue had caused you.

To address your concern may I refer you to the resolution I have prepared for you:

Netscape offers a wide variety of support options. The best way to find information quickly is on the Internet at:
You can use this web site to receive support via e-mail or frequently asked questions, and there is also an option for posting your questions to a newsgroup. You can also listen to a set of pre-recorded frequently asked questions by calling:

Please write back if you need further assistance, inquiries, suggestions or comments. For immediate assistance regarding your concern with Netscape, please call the number below:

Jean M.
Customer Care Consultant
The TechMail Department
America Online, Inc.

Rein P.
Customer Care Consultant

Rein P.AOL

I appreciate your reply, But this needs to be sent to AOL management, as this just keeps happening to me. This is the 4th time they have done this and it isn't a technical problem, it's deliberate. Now they pretend I don't exist. I have answered all the questions and they are still playing dumb. Can you plese forward this to the approiate department that can address this? If not send me a phone number so I can call the right person who can fix this I know somebody can if they want to..
I C*****

The error page I get cannot be mailed to An error has occurred -- Invalid ureg_id at /home/atweb/user/engine/states/router_server.cgi line 1720 Please report this to Error at /home/atweb/user/engine/states/router_server.cgi line 310, chunk 2.

Jean M.
I appreciate your reply, but..

The phone number wants $29.95 to even talk to a tech, I can't do that . Please just send this to somebody that can resolve this or let me have an address at netscape that goes to somebody besides or a phone number that is not to a recorded message.

I know you have thousands of requests but this is a deliberate lock out because it has happened before, and should go to someone in management who can stop this kind of childish behavior. Every time I ask a question they do this. I am nice and I say Please and then they lock me out of the account.

The error page I get cannot be mailed to An error has occurred -- Invalid ureg_id at /home/atweb/user/engine/states/router_server.cgi line 1720 Please report this to Error at /home/atweb/user/engine/states/router_server.cgi line 310, chunk 2.

Dear Netscape Member, We have set a temporary password of: 'temppw' for your Netcenter account .

Be sure to enter your temporary password in all lower case, and follow the directions below completely.

Please note, if your system clock is not set properly, you may have difficulty signing in. To access these settings, click on the start button, select settings, select control panel, then double click on Date and Time and verify that you are properly set to the correct Time Zone.

In addition please go to your browser, and click on the Edit button. From Edit, go to preferences, and then go to advanced. Expand the advanced folder, and click on Cache. Click the clear cache memory, and the clear disk Cache. Once completed, please sign in with your username and temporary password above. If you are using IE as your browser, please go to Tools, Internet Options, and delete your temporary files.

Once you have successfully logged in, you may set your own personal password in Member Center. To access the Member Center type “” in your browser window And hit return. Do not type www. before members. From there, Select “Start Now” then use the password tool provided.

Please let us know if you encounter any problem while attempting to sign in with this temporary password.

Thank you, Jay Netscape Support

Thanks Jay,

but this one doesn't work either.

Also could you send me an address I can reply to. Netscape Password doesn't go anywhere that helps.


To: Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 10:21 PM Subject: nscppassword is not a valid address. is not a valid reply address

When I tried to reply to this address it came back. How can I reply to him ?

I did everything he said and .. The password doesn't work.

To: Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 8:47 AM Subject: Please send me a password that works

Sorry to bug you again. But for 4 days now I cannot get a password that works. I have included the last e-mail from your department as to try and solve this problem. I got this e-mail on Friday 4/19. and I returned the note you see below.

The password doesn't work.

Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 7:18 AM
Subject: please forward to admin./ management
Please help me...

I have been locked out of my website Garage account for more than a week now. I have sent several e-mails to the Feedback site and support asking for help, all to be ignored, except one named Jay who sent me a password, . that doesn't work on 4/16/02.

I can't seem to get anybody to fix this.

I had reported that the e-mail reports weren't working 2 weeks ago, and was then locked out of my account for the 4th time now. I was sent an e-mail that said the WSG didn't service or care about free accounts or their maintance. They fixed this however on 4/20/2002. Now it doesn't work again

My member name is ******. My name is I**** , address ***************** , my password ******* , they changed it to 'temppw' on 4/22/02 but that one doesn't work either. Please I would like to get into my account. I would like for somebody to explain to me why it is wrong to ask a question, like why did the e-mail reports stop? I assumed that I was reporting a problem that effected other members also.

I have reported this to AOL because nobody will answer my mail now. I am not being a pest, I just want to be able to get into my account and I did nothing wrong to be locked out.

Please help me....I*****

Then I sent Snail mail to Costumer service, Netscape, Ogden Utah, AOL and Time Warner.

Reply Letter, snail mail May, 2nd, 2002

Dear I**** ,

Thank you for your letter regarding your experience with the Website Garage. I apologize that your experience with Website Garage has not been satisfactory. Netscape is currently upgrading the services to better accommodate our members needs.

Please note that we do not provide phone or email support for our trial or free products but you can look for answers in our frequently asked questions or FAQ’s located on our web site at

If you have questions about any of our paid services or have a billing issue please send us an email by going to our support section and using the email forms on our web site at Once again, I apologize for the poor experience you had with service. I appreciate your willingness to share valuable information for the future improvements of Netscape.


Executive Escalations

Letter to Netscape management, May 9th

May 9th, 2002

Netscape Communications
P.O. Box 1559
Ogden Utah

May 9, 2002


Your Escalations person sent me this letter in May 2nd.

It does not address the problem and does not offer a solution or a reason for the misbehavior of your Web Site Garage employees.

I have enclosed a copy of my letter to Time Warner and AOL addressing the problem.

All the letter from escalations shows me is your personal don’t care about FREE ACCOUNTS and YOU are NOT willing to fix this.

The apology offered is not excepted on this issue.

I know it can be fixed as it’s been fixed in the past when your personal got mad at me and deliberately deleted my password or when I moved and they were able to reconnect me with the account under a different e-mail address.

This issue will not be dropped until somebody sees what’s going on here. IT IS NOT MY FAULT, NOR DID I VIOLATE ANY TERMS OF SERVICE. I simply asked a question.

The solution simple. RESTORE MY PASSWORD or send me one that works and let me into my Account. If you can’t do that, let me have a new account. That means not blocking my E-MAIL ADDRESS FROM YOU SERVICES, which is being done now.

This is nonsense and if it isn’t fixed I will scan the letter and post it to the main web page you won’t restore my accounts to, at

Then I will create a separate page on two or three web page host pages and have the search engine find keyword Netscape and this will be posted there also. I have accounts already on three that I can use. This is not slander or libel since I have the letters describing the unwillingness of your company to fix the problem.

My e-mail reports were also shut down by this so-called executive after he got my first letter. Explain that. Upgrading is not the issue here, it’s plain and simple, I am being blocked out of my account on purpose. ******** ***********