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Our schools are meant to be safe places where students can learn and educators can work in an atmosphere of caring, security, and hope. School violence is a societal problem, not a school problem. Educators, parents, students, law enforcement, businesses, community groups, churches, government- literally everyone in every community-must work together to protect our schools and our children. We should prevent school violence by learning the causes of violent behavior, know your community, and search students and lockers. The first thing that you can do to prevent school violence is to learn what some of the causes are of violent behavior. Early predictors of assaultive behavior appear to be difficulty gaining reading skills, and extremely aggressive behavior as early as kindergarten. Out of all the causes of violent behavior, the main cause would be racial discrimination accompanied by few economic, social, and educational opportunities. Racial discrimination has been a problem for many years, and still is today. The first thing that you can do to prevent school violence is get to know your community. Your organizer's first task should be to survey his/her community to build a list of all potential groups and persons who would have the same interest as your association in assuring safe schools. PTA's or other school parent groups should be first on your list. Next, look at youth activity groups such as YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Little League, or other youth sports organizations. Don't look over one of the most important sources of help-law enforcement. City police and County sheriffs bring firsthand experience to your cause just as they have with programs such as DARE. The police are not just at schools because they want to be there, they're there because they want to protect the children and the community. The second thing that you can do to prevent school violence is to search students and lockers. Although under certain circumstances school officials may search a student and/or a student's property, to avoid being sued it is advisable to allow administrators to conduct to search. Warrantless searches by school authorities will be upheld provided that they are supported by a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of an infraction of school disciplinary rules or a violation of the law. Thus, a warrantless search of a student's property by school official is permissible if it is justified at its inception and the scope of the search is reasonably related to the purpose of the search. A school official may search a student or his/her personal property with a good reason. The official must feel a search will lead to the finding of illegal items being brought on to school property.