"As the film begins, we see an elderly man running for his life gripping what appears to be a child's Halloween mask. Either he is suffering from an acute regression back to his childhood or just trying to save the world from pending doom. In most cases, I'd go with the first explanation, but not in this film. Next we see a TV commercial for Silver Shamrock masks. Eerily the jingle rings to the tune of "London Bridge". "Eight more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. Eight more days to Halloween, Silver Shamrock." The commercial ends with the announcer reminding all the kids to make sure they have their masks on and are in front of the TV for a special message on Halloween. The screen goes out and the horror begins.
While recovering in the hospital, the man is brutally murdered. His assailant then walks back to his car and sets himself on fire. Very weird!!! The on-call physician that night is Dr. Daniel Challis (Tom Atkin), who witnesses this disturbance and decides to dig for more information. He teams up with Ellie (Stecey Nelkin), the daughter of the murdered man, and off they head to his last known whereabouts, Silver Shamrock Novelties...the world largest makers of Halloween masks. As they arrive in Santa Mira, they find a small company town run by toy maker, Conal Cochran (Dan O'Herlihy). During their stay at the local motel, they meet a few other retailers who are up picking up orders. Challis and Ellie decide to sneak into the factory and find out what is really going on. Inside, they are captured by Cochran's goon (they're not what they seem) and find out that he is responsible for stealing one of the rocks from Stonehenge. But why???
His fiendish plot is to cleanse the world. Embedded on each mask is a computer chip that contains a sliver of the Stonehenge rock. When the wearer watches the commercial on Halloween, the mystical power of the chip will release an energy blast that will result in the wearer's being severely mutilated. But what about the children??? Dr. Challis and Ellie are their last hope. Do they succeed??? I won't tell, rent the film. The ending is awesome!!!!!
"Billed as a "non-sequel sequel", John Carpenter and Debra Hill decided to take the "Halloween" franchise in another direction and hoped to bank on the previous film's success. Unfortunately, the fans wanted Michael Myers and the film bombed miserably. It's too bad, because the story line for "Halloween III" was very interesting. In fact, if they would have just called it anything other than "Halloween", I think it could have been more successful".
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