The story begins with our beloved Freddy terrorizing a bunch of kids down at the local loony bin. Enter Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp) (didn't she die?), back for her second tour of duty, as a grad. student who uses dream therapy to help troubled kids and Kristen (Patricia Arquette), who has the power to draw other people into her dreams. The stage is set for the final battle (or is it?) with Freddy. This band of misfits, who are unable to cope with the real world (due mainly to Freddy), become superheroes in their dreams with the help of Nancy and Kristen in hopes of kicking some serious Freddy ass. Unfortunately for them, Krueger is the undisputed, undefeated Heavyweight Champion of the netherworld. It is really crazy with this series. You go from one of the worst sequels in Part 2 to one of the best in Part 3. The imagery in this movie is just as macabre and dark as the first film. The effects are exceptionally done by Kevin Yagher. John Saxon also returns as Nancy's father. And the ending is great ala "Jason and the Argonauts". The third was truely a great sequel, so if your at your local movie store, please pick it up.
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Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Masters
Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Wea Craven's New Nightmare