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The story opens as two rowdy high school seniors race out of control along an abandon stretch of Texas highway in route to a weekend of fun in Dallas. Heavily intoxicated and in the mood for some fun, these two hellions use their cell phone to call in and harass on-air DJ, Vantia "Stretch" Block (Caroline Williams). Unable to convince the boys to hang up, Stretch is forced to keep the line open and later with what began as a simple game of chicken with a few good ole boys quickly turns into a nightmare as their gruesome deaths are caught on tape at the radio station. After a fourteen year absences, a legend has now emerges from the shadows. In steps Lieutenant "Lefty" Enright (Dennis Hopper), former Texas Ranger and uncle of Sally Hardesty and her invalid brother Franklin. It seems Lefty has spent the last fourteen years chasing their ghosts while investigating reports of mysterious chainsaw killings across Texas. Branded a kook by his peers, he is able to get the local paper to carry a a tiny article about his quest and this sparks the interest of Stretch who brings him a copy of the tape. At first mortified, Lefty asks Stretch to play the tape on her nightly show. She does so as a special request from Lefty and terror comes a calling. As the sounds of this horrible incidents echoes across the airwaves of Texas, a few of Stretch's fans decide to drop by for an unexpected visit. While preparing to leave for the night, she finds Chop Top (Bill Moseley), twin to the "Hitchhiker" (who was stationed in Vietnam during the first film) waiting out in the lobby. When she tries to get rid of him, out of the darkness comes Leatherface ready to rip her in two. But it seems the "saw" has taken a shining to Stretch and let's her live. Stretch follows along as the boys head back to their subterranean hideout beneath an abandon theme park (home of the "Last Roundup Rolling Grill Catering"). Now the ultimate battle of chainsaws begin as Lefty seeks freedom from the pain that has burned deep within his soul for so long. As for the ending, I will leave you with this question ...."Who will survive and what will be left of them?" One of the best sequel to any horror film. Directed by the master of the macabre, Tobe Hooper who crafted a wonderfully black and gore-filled follow-up to the original classic. I particularly enjoyed the characterizations of both Bill Moseley (Chop Top) and Jim Siedow (Drayton Swayer...the Cook). Even Bill Johnson (Leatherface) was an ample fill-in for Gunnar Hansen who didn't return to reclaim the part he made famous. Plus the added bonus of have Tom Savini doing the the special effects make this a "must see" for any horror fan. A classic film!!!!!

