*Albert Einstein once said, "The
most incomprehsible thing about
the Universe is that it is
comprehensible. To this one may
add, the most comprehensible
thing about the Universe is that
it is incomprehensible.
*The more we know, the more
aware we become of what we do
not know.
*What a man sees depends not
only on the keenness of his
sight but on where he stands and
what he looks for.
*For all seekers of the Truth
the promise remains : Seek
and ye shall find.
*"May we not be wise above
measure and sobriety, but
cultivate truth in charity."
*Men do not have to gamble
blindly. They can draw upon
common sense, funded
experience, tested knowledge.
*The search for truth is a
practical activity, dictated by
human needs and guided by human
standards. Intellectuals who
exalt truth above life itself
belong to the worshippers of
the crocodile.
*Through music the soul learns
harmony and rhythm, and even a
disposition to justice .......
Music is valuable not only be-
cause it brings refinement of
feeling and character, but also
because it preserves and resto-
res health.
*Every individual is a cosmos
or a chaos of desires, emotions
and ideas ; let these fall into
harmony, and the individual
survives and succeeds.
-- Plato
*The qualities of character can
be arranged in triads, in each
of which the first and last
qualities will be extremes and
vices and the middle quality a
virtue or an excellence. So
between cowardice and rashness
is courage ; between stinginess
and extravagance is liberality;
between sloth and greed is
ambition ; between humility and
pride is modesty ; between sec-
recy and loquacity, honesty ;
between moroseness and buffoon-
ery, good humor ; between quar-
relsomeness and flattery,
friendship ; between Hamlet's
indecisiveness and Quixote's
impulsiveness is self-control.
"Right", then, in ethics or
conduct, is not different from
"right" in mathematics or
engineering; it means correct,
fit, what works to the best
-- Aristotle
*Someone has defined psychology
as the subject in which you
talk about things which every-
body knows in terms which
nobody u n d e r s t a n d s.
*Science becomes positivist and
dismisses as "meaningless" the
vital questions it can't answer.
*The central source of all the
contradiction, confusion and
abundance is plainly science.
It has long since revolutioniz-
ed habits of thought modes of
living, the material means of
life: it has not yet readapted
habits of feeling, basic
patterns of living, the
spiritual ends of life.
*Literature has in fact always
been a "power of conduct." It
has schooled purpose and desire,
inculcated values and ideals
which is to say the ideas that
man can sing about. It has
helped to define and to realize
the means of whole ages -- the
glory that was Greece and the
grandeur that was Rome.
* An inhuman deed is analogous
jarring notes, clashing colours,
illogical arguments.