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The Unofficial Jake Gyllenhaal Fan Site
The Unofficial
Jake Gyllenhaal
Fan Site

Hey there Jake fans! This site was created back in 1999 and 2000 when I was in junior high. I worked on it a lot back then, but in high school I developed other interests and kind of let the site go. It hasn't been updated since early '03. It's now '05 and I googled my name the other day and the site came up - I was shocked to see that it is still getting tons of hits. Embarrassed by what my junior high self thought made a cool website, I got rid of the cheesy background and some dead links, but I don't plan on updating it any more than that. Even though this site doesn't have current news, it still has a LOT of information from when Jake's career was first taking off, and a large picture gallery. So look around, I'm really happy that people are still getting something out of this. Ciao! - Robin
*scroll down*

Jake Pic




visitors since
August 10th, 2000
Created: April 1999 Last Updated: 2-11-03
© Robin, 1999-2003

If you miss the old, non-frames version of the site, just right-click here, and choose "Open Link in New Window." ;-)