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Grama and Grampa's Little Angel

Cody Allen Brittain
Born: March 25, 2001
7 lbs 3 ozs 21 inches long

Daddy, Phillip Allen, holding his son.

Pitter Patter of Little Feet once more will walk upon our floors!

OOPS! Baby is not properly wrapped!

You do it like this....

And then like this. See mom.....

An Angel sleeping.

Happy Daddy!

Grampa Rick and Grama Jody.

Grampa has eyes only for Cody.

Just look at Cody watching his Grama!

Cody tring to figure out who this is holding him?????

Now that he has it figured out, he can't take his eyes off Grama!

Gee! I shouldn't of shaved my head, I just can't seem to focus!