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My Information

Kasim Elizabeth Smith
  • Age: Eighteen (Birthday: October Ninth)
  • Born: Oklahoma (from family in the Oil Industry and have moved around a lot)
  • Attends: Jamestown College in Jamestown, North Dakota (Go Jimmies!!!)
    • History/Political Science Major
    • Communications/French Minor
  • Loves: Wolves, The Stars, E-mailing My Brothers and Folks, The Pretender and Braiding Karah's Hair
  • Likes: Soccor and Girl Stuff (I grew up on an oil rig with three brother's... what do you think?)
  • Hopes: For This Site To One Day Make Sense (with T'Yanna's help) and To Visit Paris
  • Siblings: Three Brothers:
    • Brock Ethan
    • Rory David
    • Salim Micheal
