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The Prairie

Oklahoma is mostly flat prairie. Most folk probably wouldn't say it was anything to write home about. Really if you've seen one blade of grass moving with the breeze you've seen them all. But I disagree.

On a road with signd, fences and towns there are spots where you can see forever and not see anything. I can't imagine how anyone driving through those open spaces can't be moved. Not by the beauty, though there is a stark beauty, but with pride. At times like that I can't help but be filled with pride to be an American. For me, it's awe inspiring to come not only from a family of pioneers, but from a nation and culture that created the bravery it must have taken to cross and settle such hard ground whne ther really was nothing out there. A culture that not only created but encourage and exulted in the gumption it took to carve a peice of grassland into a farm, a ranch, a home to change the very landscape of the country.

I know it's an odd why to relate culture, topogrpahy, economics, climate, partiotism, and horticulture. But when you think about it how can you do anything else?
