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MyWolf Stry

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I first saw a wolf when I was six and the oil company had sent us to Alaska. I love the desert of the middle east where we went next but I'll never forget seeing that animal in what I thought was the wild. Let other generations know that feeling too. Help save the wolves.

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A Cause Worth Fighting For

I love wolves. I think that they are the most incredible animals on this planet. They should flourish as they used to. I'm thrilled that they are still relatively plentiful in Alaska and Canda but they should be here in the contintental US.

That's what this page is about. It's my way of trying to help out since I don't have the money to donate to the organizations that are working to save these glorious creatures. So go visit these sites and spread the word. Okay? ~K.E.S.

Why Wolves Should Be Preserved

Wolf Links

World Wolf Web

Send me your comments at: