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Hello, and welcome to the rant. Today, predictions for the PPV. On SmackDown, we got to see the last buildup for the Pay Per View, and it's shaping up to be decent. Count the title defenses...both heavyweight titles, both tag titles, women's title, the IC strap (being unified with the Raw title) and possibly, we may even see Jamie Noble defend the cruiserweight title against Tajiri. That, however, is just my opinion. Now, though, for your reading pleasure, my fiance and I make our predictions for No Way Out. Eh, I haven't written anything in forever, I'll tagalong.
Victoria vs Trish Stratus
Here, Trish defends her Women's Title against her once-friend, now bitter enemy Victoria. Apparently, sometime in the past, Trish held Victoria down and slept her way to the top. Trish has held the title three times, including this current reign, since last year. Victoria viciously attacked Trish on Raw Roulette night and left her laying motionless. Trish teamed with Jackie to beat Victoria and Stacy last week. WWE is trying to build up Victoria as a dominant, brute force in the women's division, and she does look like a mini-China, according to Tabie, my fiance. And she would know, she has Chyna's autobiography. Scary. In Victoria's defense she IS kind of hot, something Chyna will NEVER be. Anyways, my prediction for this match is for Trish to have the absolute hell beat out of her, but hit the Stratusfaction to retain...then get the hell beat out of her again. So, my prediction is Trish and Tabie's prediction is also Trish. I say Trish too. It's a BANDWAGON!
RVD vs Ric Flair
Ric has become a nobody, which really saddens me. I'm a huge RVD fan, but the way they are killing the legacy of the Nature Boy makes me wanna put Vince in a figure four and hold the ropes for leverage. You know, the way Ric always did. OK, moving on...RVD is getting a nice push, though also being held down by the man of many H's, so he can safely and easily go over here, even with possible interference by HHH (a la Ric's interference last month at the PPV to help HHH retain the title). My prediction is another job by the dirtiest player in the game, and the win going to Rob Van Dam. Tabie thinks RVD is "hot" but has a "bubble ass." I don't know if that affects her prediction, but she says she loves the rolling thunder and his other acrobatic moves. NOW she's talkin'. She also predicts RVD. RVD.
Booker T and Goldust vs Christian and Chris Jericho
Christian and Chris Jericho won the titles just last week, unfortunately, from Kane and Hurricane. Kane got completely involved in the Katie Vick/HHH murder angle, and Hurricane has conveniently retreated to the Hurri-Cave AKA Sunday Night Heat. Though these two Canadians have just received the titles, it wouldn't make sense for them to hold the straps because there is no explanation for that pairing. Christian and Jericho makes no sense. Booker T and Goldust have great potential as champions, and are an established team that has great fan recognition overall, and has plenty of storyline opportunity staring them in the face. Let's not forget that this show stars Eric Bischoff, if only in a storyline, he's still there. The titles can change daily. I believe Booker T and Goldust will win the titles here. Tabie says the tag team chemistry exists strongly between Booker T and Goldust and also predicts their victory, noting that Y2J is a singles wrestler, and doesn't fit the tag team mold. What a great girl! Jericho win at a PPV? Nah. New champions.
Rey Misterio and Edge vs Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit
In our discussion, Tabie and I just realized something. If the heels win the previous match, and the faces win this one, Edge and Christian will both be one half of the tag team champions. The other night at a house show in Canada, they did team up, and they did do a "one night only" 5 second pose. Christian's floating around the card right now with no direction, and Edge's popularity is peaking out. It's big for Edge, but he needs someone beside him to elevate himself, and to elevate the other person as well. Who better than Christian? Just my random thoughts. Your Olympic Hero and the Canadian Crippler began to work together well on SmackDown, and Benoit pulled a KILLER swerve to allow Kurt the pinfall, beating the Guerreros. Honestly, just like the last match, I believe that Angle and Benoit will win due to the storyline possibilities after winning the titles. Tabie is quick to note the buildup for Kurt and Chris's "forced chemistry." She is a huge fan of both Rey and Edge, but has been picking up Smark vibes from me lately, so she feels that Kurt and Chris will go over here as well. I gotta disagree and say Edge and Mysterio pull this off to further the Angle/Benoit feud.
Kane vs HHH
Intercontinental title vs World title in a winner take all. Kane the murderer vs HHH the roid monkey in a winner screws Steph. OK, maybe not. Is it time for a Kane reign? Neither of these competitors should be up for the title, they should be on their way down, but it would be great to see HHH job to anyone. It's time. Flair screwed RVD out of the title at the last PPV, and both big titles were successfully defended at the last PPV as a result. Since when does the heavyweight champ not change every month? RESPECTING THE TITLES?!? Right...I look for Kane to go over in a violent, bloody rage. Tabie knows the politics, and she knows who's screwing Steph, so she knows who will screw Kane. Tabie finally becomes independent and believes HHH will suck Steph's big fat...titles, and retain the championship belt. And I gotta go with the chica Al, Triple Ruxpin LOSE? HA!
Undertaker vs BROCK LESNAR
Tabie's been a WWE mark for a long time; when I was watching Rey and Kidman and Juvi and Psicosis, she was watching Undertaker beat Foley in Hell in a Cell. She is very quick to point out that this is his turf, his domain, and his specialty. She points out that Brock should put up one hell of a fight, but he is scared this time. Tabie predicts The Dead Man will leave No Mercy with the title. I, on the other hand, hope that the company is smarter than this. Brock is getting way over and he truly is the Next Big Thing. He's successfully defended his title against Undertaker at a PPV. He's getting huge heat and huge pops at the same time. He GUSHES with RUTHLESS AGGRESSION. Brock's intensity is up there with Goldberg (Goldberg sucks), and his wrestling ability is up there with Angle. I am dying to see the shooting star press at the Pay Per View, but I won't be expecting it. However, I will be expecting an F5 for the clean, bloody, victory. Look for Taker to control almost the entire match, and to use his cast to it's fullest extent. Then, look for Brock to make the insanely impossible comeback for the title. At least I hope. Money says BROCK walks out with the belt.
That's all, folks. We agree on all the matches except for the double main event heavyweight title defenses. And Sunday night, we'll all know for sure. Big announcement on Byte This tonight, could it be Noble vs Tajiri for the PPV? We shall see...see you after No Mercy with thoughts on the PPV!