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Wrestlemania Predictions

With wrestlemania just a few short days away, i'm going to be bold and momentus, and not only say who i believe should win, but who i think will win and why. from the matches that have currently been confirmed i will lay out the predictions...

edge/booker t.- my guess is that this is probably the match that will open the show and get the least amount of attention. what is at stake? nothing really, just booker's chance at revenge for a lost chance at a shampoo commercial. this match will be okay. it could be good if it had more of a draw, but my guess is that the fans will be not nearly as into it as hoped. the outcome may not matter much so it is hard to predict. i like both so either would be sufficient. i'll go with edge though, as his push was killed by regal, so he needs to start a new push, and it seems that booker is more or less becoming a heel to build up faces. like tank abbot was to the UFC. if u beat tank...u come back, but if tank beats u...UFC no more. get it.

kane/kurt angle- again, another match with nothing real at stake, save maybe angle's chance at ever getting a shot at gold in the near future. kane's character has never really made sense to me. he's like the not so dominant undertaker and has no originality. the character was originally supposed to be played by raven, and would have been better that way, rather than another move limited big guy who is getting over by copying another worker's ( ummmm...undertaker) style. he's a bit boring as well. i pray that angle goes over as he is much more deserving of a push than kane, but the wwf makes many mistakes so lord only knows. i'm going to go with angle though just because he beat RVD on smackdown (which i will touch on in my predictions for rvd/regal)before the ppv and he's just way to good to be held down by a guy that will never hold the wwf titile agin like kane. i hope the wwf grasps this as well...

jazz/lita/trish for the women's title- well...jazz is the only one that is deserving of a title as a wrestler, but lita and trish are hot, and that is all that matters in american womens wrestling unfortunatly. i would want jazz to win for wrestlings sake, but as bad as it makes me sound, a lita or trish victory means more tv time for them and i'm not gay. (yes, as much as i hate to admit it, the prettiness of the girls can buy my thoughts as well...see, i can be a mark at times as well!!!) my guess is that trish will win, as she is in her home land of canada and she has been pushed a bit since she is the cover girl for the new diva magazine that is about to hit the shelves.

christian/DDP for the euorpean title- please god give it to christian. christian is not only one of the most underrated guys in the buisiness, but one of shane's favorites!!! i'm going to go with christian as my prediction as well, as DDP has barley even defended his belt and makes a lousy euoropean champ. here's to christian doing a heel promo even in his homeland...i bet he will, and it will own.

billy and chuck/dudleys/hardys/APA for the tag straps- this match has the possibility for greatness or the possibility for disaster. anyone that knows me, knows i dig on the hardys ability (hey, i'm cruiserweight material so i like my own!) and the dudleys are great as well. billy and chuck are vastly improving, but still need work. add the APA in and i worry. they are dogshit in my eyes. farooq was kick ass in his day, but that was over 10 years ago. bradshaw is stiff as hell, so people like him, but to me, he has to be stiff to cover that he is useless. if the match goes more toward the hardys and dudleys and the APA just use power moves every once in awhile and try to not dominate and no sell moves, while chuck and billy just stay involved in a basic heelish way, then the match could rule...but, if the match surrounds the APA and their overdone power shit, or chuck and billy getting to many spots (they botch a lot) and the hardys and dudleys don't go full out, then the match may be a show slower. i would like nothing more than see the hardys split up and jeff get a huge solo career push so he can be a shawn michaels part 2 someday, but if they must stay together, than i would love them to have the straps. they deserve it! the dudleys would be alright as well, but they have the gold entirly to often. it gets stale. however, my guess is that i won't get my way, and chuck and billy will retain. as long as it's not the APA...i guess i'll be cool with it.

ric flair/undertaker- wow...this is a match i was praying wouldn't happen. i saw it coming a long time ago and got worried. now i'm kind of looking forward to it in a small way. taker has lost much of my respect as he seems to be a no selling ego maniac from time to time, and even a heel turn cannot make me like him. flair is a virtual god, and while the undertaker's career is damned impressive, it is in no way anything special next to the legendary ric flair's! i'm more or less wanting to know if flair can make the taker look as good as he made vince mcmahon look a few months back? i would love it if flair won as he is a wrestling god while i hate the taker and wish he would retire. unfortunatly for me, taker is 9-0 in wrestlemania matches and i'm sure they will make it 10. what a shame.

regal/rvd for the I.C. belt- hmmmm....this is a confusing one. i thought that after a 4 month fued where regal came up on top of multiple matches and a giant push, that edge was going to finally come out on top last month, but i was wrong. that was one of the most senseless, boring, and overdone fueds ever. i hope this isn't going to be that way. i'm not sure though. RVD faced angle on the last televised show prior to wrestlemania and he was beat...rather fairly as well. hell...he tapped out?!?!?! what the hell? try ending it in a way where RVD dosen't look like a punk prior to his title shot. come on wwf bookers...lay off the crack. i would love RVD to win, but i'm scared to predict it as the wwf made regal beat edge 40 or 50 times in a row so what's to say that they won't do it again. the fact that the fued with edge was more boring and repititious than sex with a corpse didn't stop them from putting regal over then, so i guess that they will put him over again now and hell...maybe he'll fued with edge again...maybe they'll even until i'm old and dead...and regal will win every time.

austin/hall- no title at stake, but it is highly anticipated by the fans. hall is the only man that can wrestle in the NWO and i look forward to watching him and austin work. i don't have much to say on this match but i'm sure it will be good. i think that this match could be an NWO victory as well. most everyone expects austin to win, but the WWF has let out to many spoilers on the other main event labeled bouts so maybe they'll let this one end with hall on top? i hope so.

HHH/jericho for the undisputed belt- this is a touchy subject with me as jericho is my favorite wrestler in the wwf today. we all know that HHH is going to win. nothing is more blatantly obvious than that. i love HHH as well, but i like jericho better. jericho holds the title, yet he is still underated and overlooked...and why? because of his size. that is sad. he is an amazing performer who could outwrestle most anyone. people cry about him not being worthy of being the 1st undisputed champ. fuck that. jericho owns. and guess what? chances are there will no longer be an undisputed champ after the roster split, so the title of undisputed may not live much longer anyway. jericho will lose, despite my wishes, but i don't think that he will lose the way that u may think...HHH may not leave wrestlemania the happy face that all the marks love. i think that a heel turn is inevitable!!! why u ask? let me count the ways...1.HHH would rather play a heel, he made that very clear but knew that he had no option but to come back as a face. 2.what better a swerve than have steph turn on jericho, cheat him out of the belt, get back with HHH, and state that she did it all to get back at jericho for all that he put her through in the past? 3. as much as i love jericho as a heel, the fans need him as a face, and i always lose out to marks! what better way to get the fans to love him than have him cheated in his home country of canada, where if HHH turns heel, the fans will hate him, and if jericho turns baby face, the fans will accept and love him again? so i'm going predict HHH wins for sure and a good chance he may turn heel as well.

rock/hogan- alledgedly for the title of greatest ever!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! what a joke!!! this match is dogshit personified!!! to lame ass 6 move (or 4 for hogan) blowhard egomaniacs. the fact that the rock has the gall to even put himself in a league called 'gretest ever' makes me hate him more than ever. he thinks that this pathetic excuse for a match puts him up with the shawn michaels and ric flairs of the world? or the underrated men that actually could or can wrestle like the dynamite kid,chris jericho,lance storm,chris benoit, the great mutam christian, dean malenko, ultimo dragon, jushin thunder lyger, and millions of others? god almighty i feel sick!!! mark my words...this match will be worthless!!! i need not predict it, as the whole world already knows that the people's waste of flesh (that is the rock...i understand that it could be confusing as hogan sucks a dog dick as well)is going to win. why have the match? we know the outcome, and it could save us a lot of pain to miss it! wait...never will be fun as hell just to watch how shitty this match is. what a joke...

***the triple threat's dark angel***