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By Bitsy


LEA: Ahme.

(The woman turns around and we see it is Ahme with a concerned expression.)

AHME: Any sign of them?

LEA: No. The guards have checked the jungle twice and there is no sign of Klang or his henchmen.

AHME: Are you sure?

LEA: Yes. If there is any change, they will be sure to inform you.

AHME: Thank you, dear sister. (Sits at the table in the middle of the room. Lea places the lantern on the table and sits next to Ahme.)

LEA: I am worried, Ahme. Klang will stop at nothing to retrieve the ring and you are the only one who knows where it is located. Who knows what he will do to you if you do not tell him?

AHME: I am aware of that, Lea, but it is not my safety I am concerned about. (Stands and goes to balcony) It is our people. Their lives are in danger now that we have discovered the truth about Kaili. Although the people no longer follow the ways of Klang, they still live in fear of him.

LEA: And the men that do follow him are bloodthirsty. How can we possibly defeat him without endangering the villagers?

AHME: There is still hope. I sent a telegram to four friends of mine this morning. They, too, were once victims of Klang. I had helped them escape many times in the past. Hopefully, they will come to our aid.

LEA: (Walks over to Ahme) But, Ahme. Who would be brave enough to face a tyrant such as Klang?

(Cut to close up of John singing the beginning of "Wait", then shot of Paul singing, George playing guitar. Close up of Ringo's hands playing drums for the roll. Backs up to reveal all of the Beatles in a recording studio. "The Beatles in . . ." flashes on the screen, then "Another Call for HELP!" appears. Each Beatle gets a solo shot with their name underneath them during the song. Song ends: cut to scene one.)

The Scenes

Scene 1

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