Taylor preforming while Mr. Hanson Tapes him 2000.
Again Mr. Hanson Tapeing Tay 2000.
Tay and Zac signing autographs with Mr Hanson watching 2000.
Mr Hanson and some Fans 1998.
Walker Ike, Tay, and Zac outside there NYC hotel 2000.
Mr Hanson and his 3 oldest sons by the bus 2000.
Walker and TAy hanging out in there vechicale 2000.
Here is the boys and Mr H. in an airport 2000.
Here is Mr H tapeing Tay 2000.
TAy and Walker inside on of the venues 2000.
Please send in any more Mr. Hanson pictures you have, i will give you full credit. mmmbopinh_fam@hotmail.com Thanx!