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Here's a different transcript from when they were 14 and scott waz 15 TOTP

If you have any transcripts i can put Mail Me!

Zoogerator: Hi there, all you Zoogers!

Zoogerator: Are you ready to chat with The Moffatts?

Zoogerator: I hope so, because they're here!

Zoogerator: They've got a new album out called, "Chapter I: A New Beginning"

Zoogerator: and you can see their video, "MIsery" on Disney Channel!

Zoogerator: Starting this off will be Scott Moffatt!

Zoogerator: Welcome, Scott!

Scott_Moffatt: Thank you very much!

guest-blinkchick13 says: Do you guys like interacting w/ your fans?- Anastasia, Canada

Scott_Moffatt: Yeah, we think that fans are the most important part of the puzzle to becoming popular. We always take that time to interact with the audience, cause they are who make the Moffatts who we are.

guest-HITZSCBDGIRL says: i love misery, but do u guyz have any idea what the next single gonna be?

Scott_Moffatt: At this moment we don't, but we would like it to be Written All Over My Heart.

guest-kelly0613 says: Hey, im kelly from nova scotia first of all... Happy early christmas! and i was wondering are you guys still doing the whole movie thing or anything new comming out? i love you guy's music!! Byee ~*Kell*~

Scott_Moffatt: Actually the movie thing was something that we were looking at, but at this moment we are trying to focus on the music thing. We are not trying to get caught up in the acting thing.

Scott_Moffatt: At this moment acting is not an issue.

Zoogerator: Now you guys are on tour now, right?

Scott_Moffatt: Yup..

Scott_Moffatt: Well we are pretty much rounding out our tour this year. We are doing a show in NYC tonite and then we might be in LA..then to Memphis, then after that we are on vacation for a while.

Scott_Moffatt: ....until mid january.

Scott_Moffatt: We are going to Hawaii for vacation, Antartica on a cruise. And we are doing some skiing and writting some songs.

guest-FanaticCrys34 says: Oh oh! So you'll be recording Chapter 2 soon, right? Do you have any ideas as of what the title will be and some songs that will be on it?

Scott_Moffatt: We don't have any titles right now. But some titles, Hallucinating might be on it....its not written in stone.

Scott_Moffatt: There are some songs that we have written that might be, we are doing some song writers for January.

guest-Zoogmoffattgurl says: WHAT ARE YOUR FAVE WINTER SPORT?

Scott_Moffatt: Its skiing....snow skiing. :-)

guest-CT_Copyright_ME says: Do you ever wish that you could take a photo shoot over again 'cause you think you look soo bad? (you never look bad in pictures)

Scott_Moffatt: I would want to take the photos again, cause I dont' want people to see a pretty boy all the time, I like the regular guy look.

Scott_Moffatt: I just cut my hair...I've been wanting to do it for a while now...

Scott_Moffatt: I've cut probably 2 or 3 inches, and I've dyed it a different color.

guest-hockey2100 says: which song was most fun to do at the chapter one?

Scott_Moffatt: Probably Misery, cause that was my favorite song on the album and we've done a lot of experimenting on that album.

guest-taurusgurl25 says: can u tell us something weird about each the moffatts member

Scott_Moffatt: Clint is messing with his hair...

Scott_Moffatt: and Bob has a tendency to talk like our Dad....its kinda weird.

Scott_Moffatt: and he doesn't mind it when dogs lick his face.

Scott_Moffatt: LOL

guest-OoOMahScott says: When can we expect the Misery single to hit stores in the U.S?

Scott_Moffatt: OH COOL! We are planning NOT on releasing it. If we do, then it'll probably be in January.

Scott_Moffatt: Well its on the Radio, its not in stores yet. It'll probably not happen for a while if it does.

guest-MOEmoffatts says: Do you ever get homesick when your touring?- Lynn 14, Alaska

Scott_Moffatt: I dont' think that I have been in one place to get home sick. So no. But I like going back home to Victoria Canada and seeing my relatives and friends.

Scott_Moffatt: We got to go home a few weeks ago....but we didn't go to the island to see our relatives.

Scott_Moffatt: Next time we'll do that

guest-taoyan says: what's your favorite pizza topping?

Scott_Moffatt: I prefer pepperoni and jalepeno...thin crust is great!!

guest-CT_Copyright_ME says: what's the most beautiful thingh you've ever seen?

Scott_Moffatt: Whenever I go skiing...

Scott_Moffatt: when I check out the moutains...

Scott_Moffatt: ummm...Eiffel Tower..that has got to be the most beautiful thing that I have seen.

Scott_Moffatt: We saw the millenium countdown.

guest-Kawakita_47 says: Do you think that being brothers helps you stay together as a band?

Scott_Moffatt: Yeah, I think so.

Scott_Moffatt: I think that since we are brothers, its a lot more difficult to say that "I'm gone" has to be a group decision.

Scott_Moffatt: There is more of a family vibe.

Scott_Moffatt: A lot of bands talk about how they didnt' have a family and being brothers makes it a good situation.

guest-zamy33 says: scott can you drive yet?

Scott_Moffatt: I can drive, but NOT legally. :-)~

Scott_Moffatt: I don't have my permit yet. I don't the time to get my license.

Scott_Moffatt: -(

Zoogerator: You need to make some time next time you go home!

Zoogerator: Now we've got Bob on the line!

Zoogerator: Welcome, Bob!

Bob_Moffatt: HELLO! and Merry Christmas :-)

guest-Laurie4bob says: what is the best thing thats ever happened to you? other than being a totally syuccessful canadian band? Canadians rock! I should know, I am one!

Bob_Moffatt: I think that there has been a lot of great things. We have seen a lot of bands and football games, we got to meet Troy Aickman...and we got to meet Garth Brooks,he is a huge inspiration for us making music.

guest-LilMsMoffatt says: My friend Jenn would like to know if different countries embraced you more than others as a music group?

Bob_Moffatt: Well I think obviously wherever we are more popular there will be more embraces...Some places are a little more bizare and crazy than others..

Bob_Moffatt: but one thing about our fans is that they are loyal, they stick with us for years and years and thats awsome!

guest-SailorJupiter135 says: For Bob & Clint - How many times did you pretend to be each other when you were younger? Did you ever manage to fool your parents =) ?

Bob_Moffatt: I don't think so, we only went to school until the third grade, we could've when we were younger....

Bob_Moffatt: We all have the same hairdos...we purposely dressed the same, so that we could be spotted easily in big crowds, but that was back then.

guest-ZoogyDreamer83 says: do any of you have girlfriends?

Bob_Moffatt: At this moment we are all single.

Bob_Moffatt: For most bands I know that there are few teenage bands that have girlfriends...cause I know its difficult.

Bob_Moffatt: Right now we don't have that time. But we do date.

Bob_Moffatt: But having a girlfriend, I think that you should be dedicated to.

guest-Megmouse314 says: Hey guys! I was wondering, what is the craziest thing a fan has ever done?? P.S.-I luv the haircuts! ~*Meghann*~

Bob_Moffatt: Well to get to us...there was one incident in Spain, she entered a passage door to our hotel room and she broke in.

Bob_Moffatt: LOL

Bob_Moffatt: We had a fan buy us a go-cart. He was our first fan club member. That was pretty cool!

Bob_Moffatt: He is still a fan club member to this day. :-)

guest-DaveMoffattisHOTT says: Dave,Bob,and Clint, do people often get you guys confused? -cambridge,ohio

Bob_Moffatt: It hasn't happened in a long 1995 that was when we changed our hairdos due to that fact.

Bob_Moffatt: Dave and scott they look different.

Bob_Moffatt: I just got my hair cut 2 weeks ago and our Dad got confused with me and Scott. But now its easier to tell us apart.

guest-iluvbob54 says: When are you coming back to Minnesota? We love you here! -Rachel, Minnesota

Bob_Moffatt: If we are coming back to Minnesota...ummmm...there is no plan yet. But we should be back soon.

guest-daffodell says: Do your songs come from personal experience or just ideas you think up?

Bob_Moffatt: Some of them come from personal experiences. Misery is something that Scott went through.

Bob_Moffatt: Scott comes up with a melody and then we fit something in there.

Bob_Moffatt: But personal experiences a good to use.

guest-moffatt182 says: Bob,how long did it take to become such a good drummer?

Bob_Moffatt: It took about 6 years, but only the last 3 years I have concentrated on soley that.

Bob_Moffatt: We had someone named Major, a German guitar player, he worked with us 2 months straight....trying to make us work together as a unit and that is how we got tight as a band.

guest-wheresthemoffs says: hey guys..cant wait to see you tommorow in nyc..whats your fav part of playing live?

Bob_Moffatt: Well I think its cause we can express ourselves through our fans. It doesn't have to be the same old thing. We can improvise as we play live. But we are not just about vocals, we entertain, but dont' dance.

Bob_Moffatt: It separates us from the other groups.

Bob_Moffatt: Thanks for chatting with me all!!

Zoogerator: Now we've got Dave with us!

guest-Kacy4185 says: Most infamous siblings fight, do you find it that being together SO much makes you fight more? -Kacy from Oklahoma-

Dave_Moffatt: Well I mean, when we are on the road, we definately have our arguements, but we don't fight everyday, we do have our arguements though, trust me.

guest-starstruck29 says: Written all over my heart is a great song! Where did you come up with the idea for the song?

Dave_Moffatt: Scott and Bob were in our hotel room in the Philippines and wrote it.

Dave_Moffatt: We thought we had a great melody and so we decided to record it.

guest-daffodell says: If you as a group could do anything you wanted to, would it still be singing?

Dave_Moffatt: Well I think that we'd still be in the music business.

Dave_Moffatt: But I do think that we will be singing for a long time.

Dave_Moffatt: If I didn't, then I would probably be producing or well, I like to paint, so it might be that.

guest-Wrae1979 says: When you go to places, do every see people that look like you have meet them before? Jenni, Ohio

Dave_Moffatt: OH yeah, definitely, especially in the US. We used to tour a lot around the US. From Detroit all the way done to Florida. We still get to see their faces today. :-)

Dave_Moffatt: We are not in the middle of a tour today....we'll be on vacation soon.

guest-megz1423 says: What was your most memorable memory while on stage?

Dave_Moffatt: Well probably when we were playing in Germany. We were playing at a Magazine show....

Dave_Moffatt: Its good to hear all the crowds singing with you.

guest-taoyan says: hey guys. i'm an australian living in america, and i was wondering if you've been to australia and if you liked it...

Dave_Moffatt: Well we haven't had the time to go to Australia. That is definitely one of the places that I want to go to.

guest-SailorJupiter135 says: Hi guys! Do any of you keep a journal?

Dave_Moffatt: We don't keep a journal....we keep it in our minds.

Dave_Moffatt: When we are on the road a lot, it gets kinda tiring.

guest-wldflower22 says: askzoog hey guys, I was just wondering, being an aspiring musician myself with a love of singing, what inspires you guys to sing, play, and write music?

Dave_Moffatt: I think that just going on stage and seeing the crowds reaction, seeing them sing, its SO great and makes us want to keep on going.

guest-CT_Copyright_ME says: Do you think that being so popular has become a regular thing, like are you used to all of the attention?

Dave_Moffatt: Its become a regular thing, but we dont' consider us being famous. We consider ourselves entertainers.

Dave_Moffatt: Making people happy, but not famous.

Dave_Moffatt: -)

guest-CJMyst says: What's the most intersting country you've been to?

Dave_Moffatt: All the countries that we've been to are different and interesting.

Dave_Moffatt: But my favorite country has to be Spain.

Dave_Moffatt: And the Philippines.

Dave_Moffatt: There's a lot more poverty over there and the climate is different, than Canada. The people are nice there and they welcomed us with open arms. We've been there 4 times now.

Dave_Moffatt: We've circled the world 3 times now.

guest-marioninseattle says: We miss you on the west coast, will you be coming back any time soon?

Dave_Moffatt: Well hopefully next year when we promote our next album.

Dave_Moffatt: Hopefully when we do our US tour we'll be going over there.

Dave_Moffatt: -)

guest-hypergal12 says: Dave do you colect sunglasses? I have seen tons of picture where you are wearing them.

Dave_Moffatt: I don't collect them. I used to collect bills from all over the world, but then I lost my wallet. :-( It was a real sad moment.

guest-TabbyCat112112 says: Out of all of you Moffatts, who has the neatest handwriting?

Dave_Moffatt: Probably Clint...he has the best handwritting out of all of us.

Dave_Moffatt: Its very neat!

guest-MoffattGurl4774 says: Have you ever gotten so nerious that you forgot your lines or someting?

Dave_Moffatt: Well, if I am about to do something, like I did in Germany, I do.

guest-courtnalyn1516 says: I know that you have had many obstacles, but what has made you guys keep pursuing the music business?

Dave_Moffatt: Probably the fans.

Dave_Moffatt: The fans all over the world. We love to make music and be in the studio. We'd miss it a lot if we had to stop.

Dave_Moffatt: Thats why we keep on going, cause we love it.

Zoogerator: Thanks for joining us, Dave!

Dave_Moffatt: Thank you!

Dave_Moffatt: BYE BYE!

Zoogerator: Now we've got Clint!

Clint_Moffatt: I'm ready to have a lot of fun...HI all!

guest-CT_Copyright_ME says: Describe yourself in one word?

Clint_Moffatt: Serious.

Clint_Moffatt: Short tempered.

Clint_Moffatt: How many words was this? ROFL

Clint_Moffatt: Whenever something doesn't go my way, I can't hold it in, but its healthy for the band, you have to have one like that in the band.... :-)


Clint_Moffatt: No, I wouldn't say that, I have the most twain....whenever I sing something it has a reflection of country. We can all sing country.

guest-Sabdababe says: Whats your one Christmas wish?~Sabra age 13~

Clint_Moffatt: Well actually for this Christmas we are going up to Hawaii for vacation.

Clint_Moffatt: Our grandparents are all flying down. Its great...that pretty much covers my wish. Its going to be a really good Christmas for us.

guest-CafeMochaGirl535 says: my friend joyce's birthday is the 28th, can you please say happy birthday to her? it'll make her very happy :) thanx!

Clint_Moffatt: Happy Birthday Joyce, I wish I could be there!!!

Clint_Moffatt: -)

guest-Moffattfan14 says: Hey, Have you guys every thought of switching instuments?

Clint_Moffatt: When we switch instruments, its for playing for the audience.

Clint_Moffatt: Its the popular thing to do in Europe. We just wanted to do something different for the crowds.

Clint_Moffatt: For the public you would swap them, its funny cause people dont' even know that you are playing playback.

Clint_Moffatt: You really can't do any TV shows in the US without playing live.

guest-moffatt330 says: Who is the most serious out of the group? - Melinda, Wisconsin

Clint_Moffatt: We can all be really serious at times.

Clint_Moffatt: I'm very serious most of the time.

Clint_Moffatt: Bob is laidback, Scott's creative....and I guess I'm serious all the time

guest-TabbyCat112112 says: Do you ever watch the Disney Channel? How about listen to Radio Disney?

Clint_Moffatt: Yeah, when I have some spare time I watch the Disney Channel.

Clint_Moffatt: Its surprising that Disney is more mature than people expect, we love working with them too...

Clint_Moffatt: We've done a few shows with them

Clint_Moffatt: We just finished shooting a special that might appear in March.

guest-Kraz4Moff68 says: What is your life-long dream...something that you've always wanted to do but never have gotten the chance to do?? -Nina, Cleveland OH

Clint_Moffatt: Probably always wanted to go into the Dallas Cowboy Football field and throw the ball.

Clint_Moffatt: put on an outfit and play in front of the crowd!

Clint_Moffatt: -)

Zoogerator: Just call you Clint Aikman ;-)

Clint_Moffatt: YEAH! hehehe...he's a big fan of country music.

Clint_Moffatt: He's a really cool guy.

Clint_Moffatt: He's my favorite player.

guest-danielle4156 says: When you're not touring or recording songs, do you ever take the time to sit down and surf the net? Have you ever looked at any Moffatt fan pages?

Clint_Moffatt: Not a lot. Its all a matter of timing.

Clint_Moffatt: We like to go on it and see what fans are saying about us.

Clint_Moffatt: Its fun to read all the positive and negative ones....its all good.

Zoogerator: Tell us about performing at the White House.

Clint_Moffatt: Yeah, we did a show the annual ceremony thing that they have every Easter, we sang on the main stage. There was like 30,000 people there.

Clint_Moffatt: Our album was in the top ten of the country charts, it was great playing for the President.

guest-hockey2100 says: could you imagine to do a countryreccord again?

Clint_Moffatt: At the moment I can't imagine it, but I think that Country Music is great.

Clint_Moffatt: Its something positive. They have such great messages. It has always been an influence.

Clint_Moffatt: I think that maybe in the future we may go back to our roots and maybe doing one song on our album.

guest-certainsomeone says: Hey guyes: my friend coulnd't be here tonight, but she wanted me to ask you : "are you guys planning to tour Canada again in the spring or summer?"

Clint_Moffatt: We are planning a tour whenever our next album comes up.

guest-certainsomeone says: Hey guyes: my friend coulnd't be here tonight, but she wanted me to ask you : "are you guys planning to tour Canada again in the spring or summer?"

Clint_Moffatt: We are planning a tour whenever our next album comes up.

Clint_Moffatt: We toured a few months ago and right now we are at our peak.

guest-Aurora1799 says: Do you think that what you are doing now, is what you would like to do for the rest of you lives? (Amber17)

Clint_Moffatt: Yeah, I think when you find something that is your main passion...then you'd want to do it when you can't do it anymore.

Clint_Moffatt: There are a lot of things that I want to accomplish. But right now we'd like to focus on our music.

Zoogerator: Thanks so much for joing us today!

Clint_Moffatt: Thank you!
