Across The Universe
First Impressions

It was two full hours before rehearsal, so Isaac thought nothing of the resounding sound of his solitary footsteps echoing down the hall. He knew that it was too early for anyone except the set up crew to be there. Isaac paused for a moment in disbelief as he thought to himself: "Then why do I hear music?"

Quickening his pace he had the sudden urge to investigate. He turned down the last hall and bounded up the steps onto the stage. The music stopped as if aware of his presence. Out of the corner of his eye, Isaac saw someone standing behind Taylor's keyboards; frozen like a statue. As he made his way across the stage the mystery musician made no attempt at a chase. As Isaac drew closer he could see that it was a girl
no older than he and about the same height. Her thick mane of hair was light brown and straight, hanging just a few inches below her shoulders. Her closed lips stood out against her fair complexion, but nothing
compared to her eyes. They were a blue-gray whose depth reminded Isaac of an ocean. Her pupils were large and together with her irises, they danced wildly. Isaac didn't know how to interpret all of this
so he spoke first.

"Hello, my name is Isaac", he said extending his hand as he greeted her.

She shook his hand and seemed to relax a little as she gave a shy smile, still making no move to introduce herself. Puzzled, Isaac decided to ask her about the music he had heard minutes before. "Was it you I heard playing 'Summer In The City'?"

She nodded her head and blushed. To Isaac's surprise and relief she spoke. " I do the set up here. I always come early when no one's here yet so I can make sure everything is in good working order before the crew gets here, let alone the musicians."

Isaac looked at her questioningly, wondering how she got the job of a professional at such a young age. He quickly dismissed these thoughts and asked instead: "Do you only play the keyboards? Please tell me your

Surprised by the fact that Isaac wished to continue to talk to her she answered: "My name is Meagan. I'm sorry, but I don't get the chance to meet a lot of people my age here. Especially ones who are into the same stuff. I love playing music and I try to pick up any instrument. I don't only play the keyboards."

Isaac was impressed, but he didn't want it to show. At least not yet. "Do you have anything else to do right now?" he questioned.

"Not until your brothers show up", Meagan answered with a smile.

Isaac paused to think, letting his eyebrows knit. "Would you like to jam while we wait?"

Meagan's eyes lit up. "Yeah sure! I haven't jammed in a long time. Let me just go get my guitar. I'll be back in a sec."

Isaac folded his long legs under him as he sat cross-legged on the stage's floor. He let his mind wander a bit as he thought of how cool it had been to meet Meagan and how he couldn't wait to get to know her better. He quietly told himself in a whisper: "One thing at a time".

As Meagan made her way back to the stage and Isaac, she just couldn't believe her luck in meeting someone so nice let alone the tall,  handsome and talented guy who was now waiting for her. She took the steps two by two thinking that she had never walked up those self same steps with as much enthusiasm before. Seeing Isaac cross-legged in the middle of the stage made Meagan smile inwardly; there was something enigmatic about him. she walked over quietly not wanting to disturb him when he looked so deep in thought. Isaac looked up as Meagan crossed her legs and found a comfortable sitting position in front of him.

She lowered her eyes and smiled" I didn't know whether to bring electric or acoustic," she said pointing to the cases next to her, "so I brought both!"

Isaac laughed and said "I probably would have done the same". He smiled sweetly and asked "Anything you want to play? Probably shouldn't be too heavy considering it's still early."

Meagan nodded in agreement. "How about 'Mustang Sally'? Wilson Pickett's version is full of soul and it isn't too heavy."

"I LOVE that song! Yeah let's play it."

They both tuned their electric guitars and plugged them in. "Would you like to record this, Isaac?" Meagan joked.

Isaac liked it that she called him by his whole name. No one ever did unless he was in trouble. He couldn't describe the way he felt when she said his name. "Sure, why not? It'd be fun to listen to later." Isaac was serious. It took Meagan a few minutes to get everything ready, but soon they were playing and having a blast.

When they finished the song Isaac announced that it was his turn to pick a song. He sat down again and while he was thinking he could hear Meagan softly playing a song almost inaudibly. Isaac thought he recognized it as '(I Think) We're Alone Now' which made him blush. He
ignored the thought as wishful thinking.

"Are you okay, Isaac?" was the four worded question that brought Isaac back to reality. Meagan had a worried look on her face as she pushed her guitar back, having the strap across the front of her now.

Meagan stretched out her arms to help Isaac up as he suggested: "How about 'Mean Mr. Mustard' by the Beatles?"

"Oh man! No one ever mentions 'Mean Mr. Mustard'!", Meagan exclaimed, "That's one of my favorite Beatles songs!"

"So is that a yes?" Isaac teased.

Meagan laughed and they began to play. When they heard the last chord ring through the Amphitheater, they smiled and bowed to one another. Then Isaac took Meagan's hand as they bowed to an imaginary audience.
Both Meagan and Isaac turned on their heels as they heard someone clambering up the stairs. Suddenly, two figures appeared on the stage. As Meagan looked closer, she saw that although shorter, they resembled

"Hey Ike!" the newcomers said in unison. Isaac waved and said "Hey". Then he turned to Meagan, gently cradling her left elbow in his right hand he said "I'd like you to meet my brothers, Meagan."

chapter two
across the universe

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