Across The Universe
A Change Of Plans

Isaac made a sign to his brothers to come over to where he was standing beside Meagan. Pointing as introductions were made, Isaac simply said : "Taylor and Zac, this is Meagan. She is the Amphitheater's
sound technician."

As Taylor spoke, Meagan tilted her head a bit as she noticed his soft blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes: "It's very nice to meet you," Taylor said shaking Meagan's hand, "I guess as any job goes, you do a lot more than was first described."

Everyone laughed at Taylor's attempt to break the ice. To Taylor's dismay, it only kicked in a few minutes later after the 'mandatory small talk' was over. A little nervous at first, Meagan began to relax as she
talked about the schedule and what was going on. "Once the crew gets here they literally take over, so I am quite happy you guys showed up early. It gives all of us more time to get everything perfect."

All three Hansons sighed as if to say "All we're going to do is work?"

Meagan stifled a laugh and said: "Don't worry. It'll take a couple of hours at the most and then you'll have the rest of the day to yourselves!"

Just then a phone rang in the background. Meagan excused herself to go answer it. All three guys decided to follow her after a few minutes to see what was going on. They peeked into the office door's narrow window only to see Meagan wave her hands in the air with the phone tucked between her shoulder and ear: she looked exasperated. "You're lucky this is the long weekend. Otherwise you'd have bigger problems. Keep me posted. Ok, bye." Meagan said into the receiver as she hung up. She sighed as she put her hands on her hips and gave a little smile to no one in particular. She saw Isaac, Taylor and Zac standing on the other side of the door. They made eye contact and she waved them in. The three walked in, anxiously waiting to hear what the phone conversation was about.

Meagan started to tell them: "That was..." she stopped and looked back at the now open doorway to find six people there that she didn't know.

Taylor must have noticed the questioning look on Meagan's face because
he quickly walked over to the door to usher everyone in. Isaac and Zac followed suit. "Meagan we'd like you to meet our family: Mom, Dad, Jessica, Avery, Mackenzie and Zoe".

At first Meagan felt uneasy as she shifted her weight and observed what seemed to be a wall of Hanson blocking the only possible exit. Mrs. Hanson sensed Meagan's uneasiness and decided to break the tension. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Meagan. Please call us Walker," she said gesturing towards her husband, "and Diana." she finished placing an open hand on her chest just below her neck.

Meagan smiled a bit. "Now that we're on a first name basis do you want to get down to work?"

Isaac could hear the smile in her voice and said jokingly "Ok boss. What's first on the agenda?"

"I'd like to talk about the call I just received. It was from Washington D.C., the place of your next scheduled concert. Apparently, they are way behind and will not be ready for you until the day of your concert. They asked if we could keep you here for an extra two days over the holiday weekend. I said I'd have to talk it over with all of you first."

Meagan paused and waited for all the information to sink in.

chapter three
across the universe

Email me: aj hanson