Across The Universe
Hello My Name Is Joe

"We've never been in Toronto that long. We don't know where anything is," stated Zac.

"It would be kinda neat to explore a new city," added Taylor.

"Yeah and we could always get a tour guide or something," urged

Mr. Hanson looked up from a stack of papers he was reading and signing "Well boys, according to these that's impossible..." He purposely let his voice trail off for effect. Mrs. Hanson was reading over his shoulder and smiled.

"It's because the Amphitheater no longer hires tour guides to show their clients around... They do it themselves!" Meagan laughed out loud when she saw Isaac, Taylor and Zac looking at their parents with question marks. Simultaneously touching all three's shoulders to get their  attention, Meagan said as she caught her breath: "I'll be your tour guide for today and the next two."

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson chuckled as Mackenzie whispered, "She's tall and I hope she doesn't give tours like Billy Bob."

Taylor laughed as he  remembered Isaac's character from their Albertane Tour video. Isaac shot him a dirty look as he jokingly elbowed his younger brother in the ribs. "Hey that hurt!" Taylor complained as he gingerly rubbed the target area.

Meagan noticed that Mackenzie now stood in front of her with his arms outstretched. She picked him up and he put his head on her shoulder as she said: "Don't worry Mac, you are going to love Toronto! C'mon
everyone, I'll show you around the Amphitheater and explain everything you'd possibly need to know... Don't hesitate to ask any questions" Meagan said with a smile.

After Meagan had explained everything she could think of, she was surprised that Zac had a question. He raised his hand and looked at her
inquisitively. Meagan couldn't help but smile. She pointed to him in a teacher-like manner as if she was craning her neck to look in the back row of a class. "Yes. You in the blue and white shirt?"

Zac laughed because he had only been home schooled and he wondered of that was what is was really like. He shrugged his shoulders at the idea, deciding it could remain inconclusive and asked " Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Oh, so it's not a question about the Amphitheater. You want to know stuff about me. Alright. Well I have one of each. A brother and a sister. You'll get to meet both through the course of the day, however long it may be!" Meagan said as she tried her best to look serious. Noticing the sad looks on the now somber trio of guys, Meagan quickly added, "Don't worry. This'll be over in two hours max. You have my word".

"Then let's get started so we have time to check out the sites," said Taylor.

"That's dedication," Meagan teased.

chapter four
across the universe

Email me: aj hanson