Across The Universe
Testing One, Two

The brothers and Meagan made their way onto the stage while the rest of the Hanson clan went up to the hotel located on top of the Amphitheater. When they found themselves on stage Meagan suggested they check their respective instruments to see if they were tuned to
their liking.

Zac couldn't hold his curiosity any longer and asked: " What song did you use to tune my drums? Ike said it was you who did that stuff here."

"Yeah it's me. I used 'Golden Slumbers' by the Beatles. It's usually the first drum solo that comes to mind," Meagan replied.

"I don't remember how it goes. Can you play it for me, Meagan? I am just guessing that cause you tuned them before you can play left-handed." Zac stated.

"Actually I am a little better playing right-handed. I am very impressed with how good you drum," Meagan answered.

Zac shortened the distance between them and bear-hugged Meagan as he said:"I LOVE you, man!"

Meagan hugged him back and said: " Dude, I love you, too. Now let me show you the solo". Meagan walked over to the drum kit with Taylor,
Zac and Isaac closely following. Meagan took out a pair of drumsticks that had been sticking out of a side pocket of a leg of her overalls. She started drumming and singing parts of the song at the same time:
"You're gonna carry that weight a long time...(drum fills)...Oh yeah. Alright. Are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?..(official drum solo)... Love you, love you..." Meagan stopped and looked up to see all three Hansons staring at her in disbelief. "It's a little something like that," she said, trying to break the silence.

Taylor spoke up and said "Do you have to tune any other instruments?"

"One last one: the bass," replied Meagan, "If all yours prove to be

She smiled as both Zac and Isaac said "Mine is!". Taylor moved over to his keyboards and started running through scales and odd bits of various
songs. Taking their brother's lead, Isaac and Zac decided to do the same anyway. Meagan temporarily disappeared behind a curtain. When she reappeared she was carrying a thin rectangular case that customarily
held bass guitars. Putting the case on the stage floor halfway between Zac's drums and Taylor's keyboards, she squatted down to open it. *click, click* The clasps opened easily and Meagan eased the top of the
case open, exposing a shiny metallic blue bass. She picked it up and slung the strap over her shoulder making sure it was properly adjusted.

"Is that yours, Meagan?" asked Isaac.

"Yep it is. Sometimes it's just easier to stand and play in front of an already tuned bass to get it. Or if someone forgets theirs, I have mine already tuned." Meagan played a song as she tuned her bass. It seemed so familiar, but none of the Hansons could place it.

Zac laughed as he noticed that he and his brothers had been leaning closer to the music and they all straighten their backs when the music was cut short.

It was interrupted when a tall, lanky guy about the same age as Meagan came onto the stage. Looking right at her and smiling he said "Hey Megs! I see you brought out 'Electric Blue' (nickname for Meagan's
bass). You must really like this band", he teased and continued, holding up a clipboard, "Can you help me look this stuff over for the sound check?".

"No problem," Meagan said nonchalantly, "Let's get to it now cause now's a good a time as any." She smiled and put her bass across her back like she had had her guitar only a couple of hours ago. Meagan moved closer to the new guy and gave him a hug as she said "C'mon
there are some really amazing people you HAVE to meet!". Everyone gathered around the amp Isaac was trying to adjust. He didn't know why he felt jealous. After all, Meagan's relationship with this guy seemed
to be purely friendly. He sighed and slowly looked up to see Meagan smiling as he thought only she could smile: a kind of sarcastic, prank-pulling, half smile that reflected in her sparkling eyes. Her eyes seemed to continually dance wildly as if searching for something. It always made him unconciously smile back.

"Is everything cool with the amp, Isaac?" Meagan asked.

Isaac nodded his head and said, "Something didn't seem quite right: there was too much treble and not enough bass."

"Sorry about that," apologized the stranger, "I guess the knobs and things got moved around when I was moving it from the equipment room."

"Don't worry about it," Meagan said as she added, "Guys. Zac, Taylor, Isaac. I'd like you to meet my brother Matt."

chapter five
across the universe