Across The Universe
Mic Check


Isaac sighed an inward sigh of relief. Meagan quickly jabbed her brother in the side. Matt automatically shot out his hand to shake those of the brothers.

"It's nice to finally meet you guys. Tonight's concert's going to rock!" Matt said enthusiastically.

"You guys are still okay with singing the national anthem, right?" Meagan asked hopefully.

"Yeah. I mean it's Canada Day afterall." Taylor replied as his brothers nodded in agreement.

"That's wicked! Okay, so here are the lyrics just in case." Meagan said as she handed them each a copy of 'Oh Canada' from Matt's clipboard. In what seemed like no time at all, the microphones were checked and the whole sound part of the show was ready to roll.

Meagan said to the brothers that they could go up to the hotel and get ready to go out in twenty minutes. The time flew by. The whole Hanson clan had changed and was ready to venture out onto the streets of
Toronto. Zac was channel surfing when he heard a knock at the door. He jumped up and swung the door open to find Meagan and Matt finishing their conversation. Meagan smiled wide when she noticed Zac standing in front of her. She put her arm around his shoulders and walked into the spacious living room followed by Matt.

"Okay everything's set. Any suggestions on what you want to see first? Matt's going to stay here at 'Headquarters' and communicate with us," Meagan said holding up a cell phone, "should any problems arise".

"Looks like no one knows what to suggest," Matt said.

"Well we'll stay close by. Sooo how about the C.N. Tower?" Meagan suggested.

Isaac, Taylor and Zac's eyes lit up. "Cool, the CN Tower!" they exclaimed in unison.

"I'd take that as a 'yes'" Mr.Hanson kidded.

"Alright! To the van everyone!" Meagan exclaimed. Isaac smiled because it seemed more like a cavalry charge than an outing to see the sights of Toronto.

They all piled into the elevator and Matt held the door open while looking at Meagan as she pulled all the contents out of her pockets. She smiled and said "I've got them" to Matt as she jingled a set of keys for him to see.

"Just making sure, Megs" Matt teased as he let the elevator door close.

chapter six
across the universe