Baby Blue

"Justin, you're going to be just fine so stop talking like that.”

Justin carefully pulled Summer’s hand into his own. “Baby, I know what’s wrong with me and I know there’s nothing to stop internal bleeding. I’m not afraid to die, so please don’t be scared either.”

Summer started crying and collapsed beside him, gently tucking her head into his neck. “I don’t want to lose you. You’re all I have left. Who’s going to sing me to sleep after I’ve had a bad dream? Who’s going to steal every article of baby blue clothing I own?”

Justin silently laughed and wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Well, you know, Baby Blue was always my favorite color.”

Summer smiled and ran her hand over his chest. “Why did you save me? I should be the one dying, not you. It’s not fair.”

Justin kissed the top of her head and gently rocked her back and forth. “Because you know I could never, in a million years, let anything happen to you.”

A silence filled the room that had both of them thinking about the previous night’s events.

* * * * *

“No way, Joey! There is no way you can lift me.”

“Summer, I’m insulted. Do you think I’m weak?”

“Of course not. I’m just way too heavy for you.”

JC, Lance, Chris and Justin all sat at the ceramic table, laughing at the current spectacle.

“Come on, Summer! Give in to the man!” Justin called with a sweet smile. Summer’s eyes twinkled and she looked back to Joey, still a little skeptical.

“Oh come on! You weigh like eighty pounds!” Joey gave Summer his most coveted puppy dog face. Summer, never able to resist that adorable face, smiled and gave in. Joey smiled back and turned around. Summer, slowly but surely, climbed onto Joey’s back.

Joey turned to the guys and winked. “Man, she was right! She is heavy!”

“Okay, let me off.”

Joey laughed and held her on. “I was just kidding. Come on, we have to stop at the music store yet.”

The guys picked up their shopping bags and followed the pair into the Sam Goody.

“It still amazes me that the simplest things fascinate him.” JC pointed to Joey, who still had Summer on his back. Justin was standing behind them, lightly rubbing her back. JC, Chris and Lance walked over to see what captivated their interests.

“Hanson, again?” Chris asked.

“Hey, they’re awesome. I don’t care what she says!” He pointed to the near-drooling girl on his back.

Summer smiled and pinched Joey’s side. “I’m the one that got you addicted to them. Now grab that ‘I Will Come To You’ import cause we don’t have that in our collection. And onto the posters.”

Joey happily obliged and they were soon at the counter with the import and a “Drive My Car” Hanson poster. Summer waited till Justin was out of ear-shot to ask the man behind the counter if her order had come in. Thankfully, it did. Justin came over just as the package was being handed over to her.

“What is that?” Justin asked, as they left the store. Summer didn’t answer. “Come on! What is it?” Justin asked, snaking his arms around Summer’s waist. Summer smiled, knowing that would annoy him. She succeeded. “That’s it.” He turned her around, picked her up and threw her on his shoulder.

“Oh my God, Justin. Have you lost your mind!” Summer screamed, trying to look mad, but she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

Justin ran her out to his car and sat her on the trunk, firmly placing his hands on her waist. “Now Summer.”

“Now Justin.” Summer smiled, throwing her arms around his neck. Their foreheads were pressed lightly together.

“Hey guys! We’ll meet you at home!” Lance called, from the passenger side of JC’s car. Joey and Chris waved from the back. Justin and Summer smiled and then turned back to each other.

Justin gently rubbed his nose against hers. "Please tell me. You know how these things bug me.”

Summer smiled and pulled the wanted item from her back. She proudly presented it to him. Justin looked down at the CD in her hands. “Happy early birthday, baby.” Justin stared at the CD that he had wanted for so long but gave up looking because it was so rare. “Of course you know that’s only one of the things I’m giving you. But you’ll get the rest later.”

Justin finally found the words he wanted to say. “Thank you so much. God, I’ve wanted this for so long.”

Summer laughed and kissed his forehead. “I know. Just to show you how much I care.”

Justin wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. She wouldn’t say ‘It’s just a CD.’ He wouldn’t say ‘You shouldn’t have.’ They both said what they really meant.

“I love you.”

They pulled away slightly and shared a sweet kiss. Summer smiled and leaned into him. “We hafta get home. They’re gonna start a-wonderin’.”

Justin smirked and pulled her closer. “Let them wonder.” They started kissing again but soon stopped when a dark shadow fell over them. Justin laughed and stared into her eyes. “Uh-oh. Busted.”

Summer laughed and turned her attention to the inconvenient shadow. She immediately stopped and became serious. A bad vibe seeped through her body. “I’m... I’m sorry, sir. We’ll go now.” She quickly pushed Justin from between her legs and ushered him to the driver’s side.

Justin, sensing her uneasiness, followed her actions.


They both turned around to stare at the man with the booming voice. He slowly walked towards Summer, with an out-reached hand.

“Hey, stop it! Leave her alone, now.” Justin ran over to the other side of his car and quickly stepped in front of her. “Leave us alone.”


“He wants something, Justin.” Summer whispered, he hands encircled around him.

“Look, we’ll give you whatever you want, just leave us alone.”

He pulled out a knife and they both backed up. “Want!”

“What do you want!” Summer screamed, tears streaming down her face.

The man pulled the knife back, then rammed it through Summer’s arm and into Justin’s stomach. Two different terrified screams could be heard. The man pulled the knife back out and ran away, chanting over and over again. “Want you dead. Want you dead.”

Justin and Summer tumbled forward onto the hard ground. Summer’s pain was forgotten as she stared at Justin. “Oh my God.” She stood up and hobbled a few feet. “Somebody please call 911! PLEASE!” A nearby couple turned and looked at her. “Please, we were just... stabbed.. and he’s.. he’s hurt! God, please call!” The lady quickly got her cell phone out and started dialing. Summer hobbled back to Justin and kneeled beside him.

“Baby, you’re okay. Help is on the way.” She cradled his head in her lap, gently stroking his face, and covered his wound with her other hand.

A few minutes later, sirens could be heard in the distance.

* * * * *

“Baby, I want you to promise me something.”

Summer wiped her eyes and looked up at him. “Anything.”

“Don’t be sad. You know I hate it when you’re upset. Just be happy for the rest of your life.” He carefully pulled the cross necklace from his neck. He stared at it, then kissed it. “You don’t have to wear it, but I know you’ll keep it.”

She took his cross. His cross. The object he wore around his neck everyday and clasped it around hers. “I promise you that I will never take it off. I promise that I will always be happy when I’m thinking of you. I promise that I will always miss you. And I will promise that I will never stop loving you.”

Justin smiled and swallowed the tears that formed in his throat. “Come here, you.”

She wrapped her arms around him and tucked her head under his chin. They both fell asleep listening to each other’s breathing. But only one woke up.

* * * * *

“JC, can you run me to the mall?” Summer yelled up the steps. A few seconds later, feet came pounding down.

“Sure. You ready now?”

“Yep. Thanks.”

JC dropped Summer off outside the mall and turned the radio down. “Call me when you’re ready to come home.”

Summer smiled and shut the door. “Thanks. Cya!” She waited till he was out of view, then walked over into the parking lot. She walked into the area that she hated the most. She knelt down to the ground in front of the dried blood spot. She gently kissed her fingertip and put them to the ground. One year ago today she lost the only man that had any importance to her.

She picked herself off the ground and entered the mall. The first place she went was Sam Goody. She approached the man and smiled. “Hi, do you have an import for Summer Timberlake?” The man searched through the cabinet for the desired item. It felt so good for Summer to add Timberlake to her name. It fit so perfectly. She knew in her heart Justin would have wanted it that way, and it was just another way to carry him on.

The man turned around and handed her the box. The box that contained the same CD she surprised him with last year. “There ya go. Is that everything?”

Summer nodded. “Yes. That’s all.”

“Okay, that will be $49.99.” Summer pulled the money out of her purse and handed it to him. He in turn handed her back the change. “Thank you and come again.”

Summer just smiled. There was just one last thing she needed to do. There was going to be a charity ball in honor of Justin’s death and she has yet to find a dress. She strolled down the mall in search of the ideal store. When she found it, she entered and browsed around.

“Hi, can I help you?”

Summer turned around and smiled at the lady. “Oh no, that’s okay. If I see it, I’ll know.”

The lady smiled, somewhat confused. “Okay, I’ll be at the front desk if you need me.”

“Thank you.”

Summer continued searching until she found it. Words could not even describe how perfect it was. She got the number off the tag and walked up the desk. “Excuse me?”

The lady looked up and smiled again. “Yes.”

“Yes, I like the style of number 685. But do you have it in any other colors?”

“Well, you can purchase a white one and have it dyed the desired color.”

Summer’s eyes did not quite reach her eyes. “Perfect. I’ll take it.”

The lady went into the back to find the purchased dress. Summer’s mind was reeling on how perfect the night would be. She was happy and she knew Justin was happy in heaven. The lady brought the dress up to the counter with a color swatch board.

“Oh, I don’t need that. I know what color I want.”

“Oh okay, and what would that be?”

The lady prepared to write down the name. Summer picked up the silver cross that hung from her neck and gently ran her fingers over it. She looked up and smiled.

“Baby blue.”

