room 3057
    "Um. Hi." Taylor said trying not to blush, but then again trying to act casual.
    "Hi. I'm Kelly." She said smiling flirtatiously. She looked at him and then back at the crowd on land.  She watched them as they waved to friends and family that were about to set sail. Kelly started to wave.
    "I'm Taylor. Who are you waving to?" He asked also waving.
    "No one. Who are YOU waving to?" She asked smiling again.
    "My parents. I can't see them, but they are out there somewhere. They are sending us on this cruise with some of their friends. Our brothers and sisters are staying with friends. They needed to be alone. If you know what I mean." Tay smiled at his pathetic attempt of humor. Kelly started to walk to a group of girls she knew and leave Taylor to talk to himself. He soon noticed her walking away and tried to stop her.
    "WAIT. Um, do you want to, I don't know, hang out with me later tonight?" Taylor said pushing his hands into his pockets and staring at the ground. She was still walking to her friends, and didn't look behind her. But she heard him.
    "Great, I blew it. Now I have to give back the money." He whispered to himself. After a minute she walked back to him, marker in hand. She took his arm and wrote.
    8:30 Room 3057 Kelly
    She smiled and walked away. Taylor ran back to his brothers that were laughing. Zac took his brother's arm and read it to himself.
    "So, what's she like? Funny, weird, sexy that's my type?" Isaac asked opening the door to the inside ship.
    "I can't really tell you. She only said 2 sentences. But from those two sentences she sounded really cool." Taylor said staring at his arm. They made a stop and then took the elevator down to their room. They were not far from Kelly's. They were in room 3094 that was very small, with 3 tiny
beds. Two right next to each other, and the other on top, like a bunk bed. The all shared a small space like they did in Tulsa.
   "I'm using the shower first, I have a date. HA HA!" Taylor said grabbing his clothes and rushing into the shower. Ike or Zac couldn't really argue because he was already in there before they could say anything. When Tay came out Ike and Zac were gone and had left a note saying they went to
check out the dinning room and should be in his room by 11:30. When they said "check
out the dinning room" usually, meant they were hungry.
    Taylor had on a baggy pair of jeans and a white, tight undershirt that showed off his nicely built body. He put his hair back in a ponytail and grabbed some money and the sunflowers he picked up for Kelly. He looked at his arm to check the room number, but noticed it had washed off.
    " Oh great." He said to no one. "How exactly am I going to get there?" All he could remember was that he was suppose to be there at 8:30 and it was already 8:00. And that it had the first 2 numbers like his. The other two numbers were 7 and 5, but he didn't know in which order they were.
    "Well I have two chances. Either 3075 or 3057." As he walked out the door he headed to room 3075.
    Once he got there he knocked on the door and after a minute or two an old man wearing only a pair of briefs walked out.
    "Oh, sorry. I must have the wrong room." Taylor said while slowly backing up.
    "Come back here! I at least deserve those flowers, you woke me up!" The old man said while chasing after the boy. Taylor ran in the direction of the other room and knocked on the door as loud as he could. Kelly opened it and before she could say HI, Taylor ran inside and locked the door behind him.
    "These are for you." He said in between pants.
    "Thanks, what's wrong?" Kelly asked, taking the flowers from his hand and smelling them.
    "A long, humiliating story. Lets not talk about it."
    "Ok. We'll go in a minute, I just want to put these into some water." Kelly ran some cold water in a glass and placed them next to her bed.
    "So, what do you want to do?" Taylor asked, now noticing how attractive Kelly looked. She wore a white mini skirt and baby pink spaghetti strap. Her hair was curled at the bottom, and had a diamond clip on the left side.
    "I thought we would go explore some places."

 chapter three
 enchantment index