employees only
    "So do you want to go check out the pool or what?" Taylor asked as they got on the elevator.
    "I was thinking more on the lines of places where we're not allowed." Kelly said looking at Taylor.
    "Hu? You mean like we going in places that say No Trespassing and Employees Only?"
    They stepped off the elevator and looked around for a while and walked outside. There was a moment of silence until Kelly grabbed Taylor's arm and pointed to a door. It had a red sign that said 'Employees Only'.
    "Look. Come on, let's go in." Kelly said pulling Tay over to the door.
    "I don't know. I mean the only bad thing I've done is get kicked out of a hotel for roller blading."
    "Please! Pretty please. I'm begging."
    "No." Taylor said not trying to sound mean. Kelly thought about this for a minute, and then had an idea. She grabbed him by his T-shirt, pushed him against the wall. She kissed him passionately for a minute or two, then they separated.
    "Now will you go with me?" Kelly asked impatiently.
    "Uh hu." Taylor said still in shock, but smiling. They both walked in the room. It wasn't much. Only 2 flights of steps, one going up and one going down.
    "Up or down?" Taylor asked, STILL in shock.
    "Up!" Kelly said taking his hand. They climbed up till they found a door. Still hand in hand they opened the door. In front of them there were 50 workers washing sheets and ironing uniforms.
    "HEY. What are you kids doing here! This is off limits. Employees only. Can't you read?" A woman yelled at them. She looked around 40 years old who was folding sheets.
     "Oh, we're on a private tour." Kelly said with a slight smile. Taylor couldn't control his laughter. The woman started to walk up to them with an angry look in her eyes, but Taylor pulled Kelly and started running. They both ran until they were up on deck again. Both were tired from running,
especially Kelly, she was in sandals.

 chapter four
 enchantment index