cherries please
(chapters 4 & 5, since i don't know where 4 ends)

    They leaned back against the wall, still panting from running.
    "I never knew I could run that fast." Taylor said beginning to calm down.
    "You try running in these things next time and you won't run that fast." Kelly laughed at the mental picture of Taylor in platforms.
    "I'm really hungry. What about you?" Taylor said staring at his stomach.
    "You said it, lets go back to my room. OK?
    "Sure. I do believe room service is in order."
    They both walked back to the elevator smiling at the sign that said
Employees Only.
    "We changed that didn't we?" Kelly said smiling at Taylor.
    "Oh Ya!"
    "This morning, you said something about brothers and sisters. How many brothers and sisters do you have?" Kelly asked wondering what it was like to have family.
    "Well, Isaac is 18, he's oldest. I'm 16, Zac is 13, and then there is Jessica, Avery, and Mackenzie. Zoë is the youngest. Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Taylor asked.
    "No, I guess you could say I'm an only child." Kelly said a little disappointed.
    "Oh." Taylor said while stepping out of the elevator. They walked in silence until they got to her room. Kelly opened the door and sat on the bed. Taylor took the menu and sat next to Kelly. After a minute of deciding Kelly called to order.
    "Hi, I would like to order 2 hamburgers, 1 order of fries, and 2 Sundays."
    "Is this all for you ma'am?" The guy on the other line asked.
    "No, I have someone over to help me." Kelly said rolling her eyes.
    "OK. What room?"
    "It will be up in a few moments."
    "WAIT!" Taylor yelled holding up his hands.
    "Hold on a minute please." Kelly said to the guy.
    "Could you ask for cherries please?" Taylor asked with puppy dog eyes.
    "Ya" she said putting the phone up to her ear again. "Could you add a side of cherries please?"
    "OK." The guy started to say something about Kelly's nice voice, but Kelly hung up. Kelly sat down by Taylor and rested her head on his shoulder.
    "You really like cherries don't you?" Kelly asked amused at his obsession.
    "So, they taste good. I'm sure you like something?" Taylor said hoping she would say something to turn him on.
    "Well there is something." She said turning his head to face her and kissing him, she pushed him on the bed and straddled him. One leg on each side of Taylor. She sat there for a minute looking down at him. Then there was a knock on the door.
    "I like room service!" Kelly said sitting up and answering the door.
    "Here, I got it." Taylor said paying the man. He looked 17, a little young to be working on a ship. He handed Kelly a piece of paper and the food, and went on his way.
    "What's that?" Taylor asked staring at the paper in Kelly's hand. She opened it and laughed covering her mouth.
    "You can have it, I don't want it." Kelly threw the paper at Tay and grabbed the bowl of cherries. Taylor opened it up, and ripped it up.
    "I don't want his phone number. I want those cherries!" Taylor said trying to grab the cherries. Kelly sat back on top of him, Taylor didn't mind. She dipped one of the cherries into the whipped cream on one of the Sundays, and fed it to Tay. He ate it happily and licked the whipped cream
off of Kelly's fingers. This went back and forth until they ran out of cherries.
    "You want some more?" Taylor asked wanting more of Kelly.
    "No thanks. I want some more of you though."
    "I have no problem with that." Taylor kissed Kelly and tried rolling over on top of her. There wasn't enough room, and by accident bumped Kelly's head on the wall.
    "I'm really sorry." Taylor tried to get off of Kelly. Then the phone rang.
    "Hold on," Kelly said rubbing the back of her head. "Hello?"
    "Um, is this Kelly?" The voice asked.
    "Ya, who is this?"
    "I'm Taylor's brother, Isaac."
    "Oh ya, you want to talk to him?" Kelly asked waving to Tay to come over to where she was. He got up and raped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck, and took the phone. "Hello?" Taylor asked a little annoyed that someone interrupted him.
    "Do you have a watch?" Ike asked his brother.
    "Ya, why?" Taylor didn't know what Ike was getting at.
    "What time is it?" Isaac asked.
    "11:57 why, oh ya. Be right over." Taylor hung up the phone and kept kissing Kelly.
    "What did he want?" Kelly asked walking toward the rest of the food.
    "It's time for me to go, I'll call you later ok?"
    "Sure, what's your room number? I'll call you. Wait, do you want the rest of the food?"
    "Ya, I worked up an appetite. I'm in room 3094, bye." Taylor kissed Kelly one more time, and headed out the door. Kelly pulled her pj's on and brushed her teeth. There was a knock on the door. Thinking it was Taylor coming back for more, she opened the door with out checking. Instead of Taylor there stood Richard.
    "Oh, Hi Richie." Kelly said, disappointed it wasn't Taylor, or anyone else for that matter.
    "Who was that? That boy who came out of your room?"
    "It was just a friend. No one really." Kelly was frightened, she knew Richard had a temper.
    "Are you sure, I mean, you wouldn't cheat on me would you?"  Richard slammed her against the wall. She was still dizzy from Taylor attempt to be romantic. And feel to the floor.
    "No, it's just you and me, remember?" Kelly said trying to calm him down.
    "I've got my eye on you, remember that." He walked out of the room, leaving Kelly a little shaken up and started to cry. She didn't like being treated like that. He always took thinks way too seriously. If she talked to some one else without his permission, he would beat her up for what she did. She was scared, he would come back. He had the key. So she decided to go to Taylor's room. Once she got there, she knocked quietly afraid to wake other people up around their room.
    "Oh, um, is Taylor here?" Kelly asked afraid she got the wrong room.
    "No, you must be Kelly." The boy said opening the door. "I'm Zac, and I'm kind of sexy." He was in his hyper stage of the night.
    "Ok can I come in?" Kelly looked at Zac and smiled because he was looking at her as if she was ready to go to bed with someone. "Don't mind the wardrobe."
    "Where you crying?" Zac asked letting her in.
    "Who's crying?" Ike asked walking over to Kelly. "Oh hi. I'm the guy from the phone"
    "Hi." She said in between sniffs. "I'm having a little problem. Can I stay here?"
    "Um sure, what's wrong?" Ike asked leading her over to the bed.
    "Where's Taylor?" Kelly asked looking around the room.
    "He went out to get some more ice, Zac got mad when he found out there was no ice, and he sent Tay to get some."
    "Don't tell him I told you this ok?"
    "Ok" They both said in unison.

 chapter six
 enchantment index