new years mistake
    Kelly pulled up her black mini skirt with red roses imprinted on it, slipped on her red halter-top, and buckled her black platforms. She was ready to party all night long. The festivities lasted until 3:00 in the morning. She tied her hair in a messy bun, with red diamonds all over, and grabbed her
purse. She was ready.
    Once she arrived everyone was already dancing. A man was trying to sing Getting Jiggy With It, but obviously only knew the chorus. She joined a long, dancing up by the pool. It was getting pretty crowed, and afraid she would fall into the pool, she stepped down and waked inside to the bar.
    "Just a water please." She said sitting down at the bar.
    "A Diet Coke please." Taylor said sitting down at the other end of the bar. He placed his head in his head sighing. Kelly did the same.
    "Hey, are you ok?" The waiter asked Taylor.
    "Ya, I'm fine, just confused."
    "Are you two related, you both kind of look alike." The bar tender said staring at the two,     "Hu?" They both said staring at each other. "No way, am I related to that jerk." Kelly said trying to get up and leave.
    "Ya, she's a trader, and she used me for her sick pleasures." Taylor smiled at his remark, and walked out of the bar.
    "I'm sorry I asked." The bartender took his glass and washed it out. "Are you ok?"
    "Ya, just a little mad." Kelly got up and saw Taylor sitting on the stairs. She stopped to watch him, one tear feel down his cheek and fell onto his leather jacket. She was about to walk over to him, when another girl came and said 'hello'. He ran away from her and out into the party. She wondered
why he did that, so followed him. He kept dodging the girl and finally stopped when he ran into Kelly again. "10, 9, 8, 7" The crowed cheered, as the clock almost striked 12:00."6" Taylor was about to say something, but she couldn't hear him. He walked closer, almost 3 feet away from each other. "5, 4, 3" The girl came behind Tay and tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around there stood
the girl. "2" She kissed him, but he tried to get away. "1!" They all cheered. Kelly took one step back running into Ike. He saw what she saw, and grabbed her shoulders. She ran off in the direction of the door. Taylor finally got away from the other girl, and ran after Kelly. "Which way did she go Ike?" Taylor asked.
    "Um, she ran out that door." Ike pointed and then walked off. Taylor didn't see her, and so decided to run strait. He ran though the casino, bar, and shopping area, no sign of her. But he did find Zac.
    "Have you seen Kelly? I really need to talk to her. I made a mistake." Taylor shook Zac's shoulders.
    "You could say that again. You really hurt her you know?" Zac told him the best place to find her, and told him something to get for her.
    "Thanks Zac!" He ran back into the direction of the shopping area. "Um, excuse me, but could you open up the store for one minute? I know what I want, I have money. Please, it's an emergency!" Taylor said pounding on the door.
    The man opened up long enough for Taylor to pay for the gift. "Thanks a lot man."
    "No problem, I know what your going through!" The man said closing up shop again.
    Taylor ran up to the deck. It was empty, but he did hear voices.
    "Ike, I really like him. I don't know what to do. I'm lonely without him, why did he kiss her? He didn't even ask me out, were not anything. Just two people hanging out, I don't want that, I want to be a couple." Kelly said pacing back and forth.
    "I know he wouldn't hurt you. I also know who that girl was. Her name is Katie. We came with her on the cruise. She used to date Tay. He thought he loved her, but found out she didn't love him. That really tore him apart, he was depressed didn't eat, sleep, and didn't talk. He wrote songs
about lost loves and broken hearts. He tries to avoid her, but she keeps popping up everywhere. Until you came along, he was nothing. He really cares about you. He doesn't stop talking about you."
    "Really?" Kelly felt bad about being mean to him. "Thanks Ike." She hugged him and sat down on the bench. Ike left Kelly to think some more.
    "Kelly?" Taylor slowly walked behind her.
    "Oh Taylor, I'm so sorry." Kelly hugged him then backed up.
    "I need to ask you a question… is that ok?"
    "Uh hu." Kelly said sitting down. She scooted over for Taylor to sit too. They could hear the distance music. It was a Selina song.
    "Will you be my girlfriend, I would really, really like that." Taylor opened the box that held the gold necklace with the starfish on it. Kelly gasped and kissed Taylor. He smiled, still kissing her. He placed the necklace around her neck and placed his hands on her cheeks. It was the best
moment for both of them.
    "Will you dance with me Kelly?" Taylor held out his hand.
    "I would love to dance." Kelly wrapped her arms around Taylor's neck and
he wrapped his arms around her waist.
   "Late at night when all the world, is sleeping. I stay up and think of you." The music played and they danced until the song was over.
    "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Richard pushed Taylor off of Kelly and took her by the neck.
    "Let her go asshole!" Taylor yelled at him and punched him in the face.
    "You shouldn't have done that boy." Richard pulled out a knife and held it up to Kelly's neck. "Now walk away and leave us alone."
    "No way jerk!" Taylor kicked Richie in the crotch, and grabbed Kelly's hand. He pulled her and they both started running. Richard was right  behind them breathing down their necks, good thing they had practiced last night running.
    "Come on Kelly, up here." Taylor pointed to the steps. They reached the top, dodging the crowds. They went through the doors, and into one of the elevators. They reached the 4th level, and got out. Looked both ways, and decided they would be safe in a crowded place.
    "Taylor, you could have gotten hurt. I'm sorry to get you into this." Kelly hugged Taylor, and started crying.
    "It's ok Kelly. I won't let him touch you. I know that he hurts you, Ike explained. You should have told me."
    " I'm really sorry, it's just that I was afraid you would get hurt, or be afraid of me." Kelly dug her head into his arms and they stayed there for a while.
    "I see Zac, he helped me find you. Let's go show him the necklace. Ok?" Taylor pulled Kelly over to Zac who was staring off into space. Kelly remembered what happened that morning, and was afraid to talk to him.

 chapter eight
 enchantment index