Fading Angel

The rain pounded consistently on the penthouse's roof. Dayna tucked her hands behind her head and sighed, contently. Her body was still wet from their run in the rain. A smile formed on her lips when she remembered how silly (but adorable) he looked with his matted down hair and soaked shirt. A soft giggle escaped her lips but she quickly covered her face with a minty-smelling pillow. When her sudden case of giggles surpassed, she removed the pillow. She felt like a giddy school girl. She turned on her side and closed her eyes, recapturing the night's events.

He picked her up for their date at six o'clock sharp. He wouldn't tell her where they were going but he said to wear nice clothing and bring an extra pair to change into later. "Something comfortable," he supplied. She learned early in life that once he got his mind set on something, he did not let it go. And no matter how much she begged, he would not give any more hints.
So, at six o'clock, they set off for what turned out to be a two hour drive. Dayna was surprised when they arrived outside one of the finest restaurants to ever grace this blue and green earth. Candlelight Cafe. Inside, they shared a wonderful meal, beautiful conversation and soft kisses.

After dinner, they walked a few blocks down to a local street vendor. Here, Dayna was asked to close her eyes. To make sure she didn't peak, he gingerly placed his hands over her eyes. A few seconds later, he removed his hands and the short, gleefully pudgy vendor presented her with a brown, soft-plush teddy bear with a red, long-stemmed rose clasped between it's paws. Dayna squealed with delight as she enveloped the bear in her arms. With one last thank you to the vendor, they continued down the barren road.

Dayna broke out of her recent trance and grabbed the bear off the night stand. She smiled and wrapped her arms around this new symbol of their unconditional love.

When they were a few blocks away from the vendor, it began to rain. Lightly at first, just dampening the tops of their heads. But the more they walked, the harder it fell. They both suddenly stopped and looked at each other. Smiles took over both their faces. Looking at her bare, trembling shoulders, he removed his jacket and delicately placed it over hers. She smiled appreciatively and relished the new-found warmth. He held the bear while she maneuvered her hands into the sleeves. When she was finished, she smiled and offered her hand. He accepted her hand, but wrapped it around his shoulder. He then bent down and picked her up. From there, he carried her back to the car, laughing the whole way and ignoring all the questioning stares.

Dayna snapped back to reality when she heard the water stop. He had finished showering. She placed the bear back on the stand and laid back down, closing her eyes. She reopened them when she felt movement on the bed. He was leaning over her, staring intently at her. She smiled and stroked his cheek. He captured her hand with his and kissed it gently. She sat up and enveloped him into a hug. "Thank you," she whispered in his ear.

He stroked her back and kissed her shoulder. "I love you." It took her less than a second to reply. "I love you too." She pulled away slowly and searched his eyes. They were clouded over with emotion. She gently kissed his forehead and then the tip of his nose. He cradled her head in his hands, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. He slowly brought his lips to hers, topping the perfect moment. When they broke apart, she rubbed her fingers over his lips and nodded.

He swallowed hard and helped her out of bed. He carefully removed her soggy clothing and replaced it with a long, white silk nightgown. He retrieved a brush from the bathroom and brushed out her long golden locks. She looked so beautiful. So angelic. But she was becoming increasingly weak. He picked her up and carried her over to the bed, gently laying her down. When she was situated, he laid down beside her, holding her in his arms.

Small crystalline tears escaped from Dayna's closed eyes. She buried her head in his neck and silently cried. He rubbed her back and arms and murmured soothing words in her ear. They exchanged their "I love you"s again and soon enough, her tears subsided and her breathing became even. Only when her breathing completely stopped, did he let his own tears fall.


Isaac Hanson stared at the local newspaper on his kitchen counter. He slowly picked it up and turned to the last few pages. A beautiful smiling face greeted him. He closed his eyes and took a few long breaths before opening them again. When he did, he read the caption under her picture.

*Dayna Hanson*
Dayna Hanson, 29, wife of rock-sensation
Isaac Hanson, died in her sleep Friday night.

Short Stories

Email: ikes_madeline@yahoo.com