
nothing alone can be perfect

"Tyrany! Open up!"

"Go away! I don't need anymore lectures from the magnificent Hanson!" Tyrany hastily wiped the tears from her eyes, while she squeezed herself between the toilet and shower.

"Look, if you don't open this door right now.. I'll... I'll..."

Tyrany sniffed and quietly scooted towards the door, slightly amused. "You'll what?"

"I'll break this door down, that's what I'll do!"

Tyrany laughed out loud, thinking that's the funniest thing she has ever heard. "Yeah right, Zac Hanson! You couldn't kick over a feather!"

"Ty! I have the strength of TEN men and then some. So either open the door, or back up sweetheart cause I'm coming in!"

Ty picked herself off the ground and sat down on the tub's ledge. 'This is gonna be good.' "Go ahead."

Zac reached for the door knob and turned lightly, but it was still locked. "Go ahead, what? You didn't unlock it!"

"No shit, Sherlock! Break it down! I want to see this mad strength of yours." The smile on Ty's face seemed to grow by the second and she currently forgot what she was in the bathroom crying anyway.

"Alright... but you made me do this... remember that... cause you know... you might regret doing something like this later... if, you know, I hurt myself for you... and everything..."

"Zac! For the love of God! Get on with it!"

Zac rolled up his sleeves and backed up. He looked to the ceiling and chanted a small prayer, then he hurled himself at the door.

Tyrany jumped when she heard a loud thump against the door. Then there was a softer thump. Sounded like a blonde-hair boy hitting the ground. She quietly walked over to the doorway, placing her hand on the cool wood. "Zac, are you okay?"

Zac didn't snap back with some witty remark. Ty slowly opened the door and peaked out. She screamed when a pair of brown eyes jumped in front of her. Zac grabbed her and pulled her out before she could turn around."Let go of me Zac! That's not fair, I thought you were really hurt."

"You're the one who wanted me to do it! Now we are going to sit down and have a little chitty-chat! Now!"

Tyrany stared at him, wide-eyed. "Someone's been watching day time TV too much, eh?"

He rolled his eyes and shoved her in the direction of the couch. "Sit."

She pulled her arms away, hastily. “Okay!” She replied, over-enthusiastically. “But only if you promise to give me a treat afterwards!”

Zac smiled in spite of himself. It was just too good for him to pass up. “I’m gonna beef up, I’m gonna beef up. With Kibbles-n-Bits...”

“BEEFY BITS!” They both shouted together, than collapsed onto the couch, laughing.

“No, this isn’t funny. I’m trying to be serious...” Zac wiped the tears from his eyes and pushed his hair off his shoulder. “Okay, will you please talk to me?”

Ty turned her head to the side. “I can’t, Zac. Which is the saddest thing... because you’re the only one I can talk to. But this... this I can’t.”

“If it’s about you liking some guy or something, I can handle it, Ty.”

Tyrany smiled at the look on his face. She knew he wanted to help her... but she honestly didn’t think he could. “Zac, I wish it was that. But unfortunately, it’s not.”

“Look, you said so yourself, I’m the only one you can talk to. If you can’t talk to me, then who ya gonna go to?”

“I’ll figure something out, okay. Just don’t worry about me.”

“Yeah, that’ll happen. You’re my best friend and yet you ask me not to care about you. It doesn’t work like that, Ty. Please, you know I won’t judge you or anything... It’s just... It’s weird that we’ll be fine one moment, then the next you’re off, locking yourself in my bathroom.” Tyrany looked down at her feet and whispered something under her breath. “I can’t help you unless I can hear you.”

“I said ‘I’m jealous of you!’... I’m jealous of you Zac. And before you ask ‘Why?’ I’m just going to tell you. One, you get to travel all these places... meet all these people... see all the things I can only see in text books. Two, you have millions of people that love you. Hell, I can’t even get my own family to love me! Three... you’re...you’re....”

Zac stared at her, disbelief evident in his eyes. “I’m what?”

“You’re so damn perfect!”

Zac outright laughed in her face. “You’ve got to be kidding me! Me? Perfect? Come on, where’s the hidden cameras? You got me on that one.”

The tears welled up in her eyes again. “I finally confess something that’s been bothering me, and you laugh in my face!”

Zac instantly turned serious again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings... It’s just... I’m no where near perfect.”

“Zac, you’re flawless. You have everything you could ever want in life. You’re cute. You’re rich. You’re famous. What else could you possibly need?”

“Well, first off, all those things that you described... my devilishly handsome looks, my stacks of cash, and my super-stardom status...”

“I didn’t quite say it like that.”

“Well, you know. All those things can go. Those things don’t make me perfect, Ty. I have so many flaws it’s not even funny... well, yes it is, but you know. But our little flaws and imperfections... that’s what makes us who we are. It makes us interesting people.”

Tyrany smiled, finally able to feel good about herself. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Nothing can be perfect, huh?”

Zac pulled her back and she relaxed against his shoulder. He gently ran his hand up and down her arm. “Nothing alone can be perfect... But you and me together.. What we have? Now that’s flawless.”

Short Stories

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Email: ikes_madeline@yahoo.com